Another ridiculous death and ridiculous game….I think this rogue played every class this game.
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Tradcath weeaboos, some of the most powerful individuals you can encounter online.
Zalae is like a child that heared a joke they like and so thye repeat it at random for an hour
Zalae finding out about a Vine and watching it twice on stream is one of the more wholesome things I've ever seen.
Thank you Twitch chat.
just chatting stream while you watch vine compilations when?
Right before Jaraxxus, I thought to myself «he hasn’t played a Warlock card yet».
I really appreciate you uploading Standard content.
This is why we have child labour laws, because people like Zalae would make them play hearthstone for content.
Only silk — shingo nakamura! <3
I'm pretty sure the second game was actually an arena game that Zalae talked Admirable into playing. There's no way that was constructed…Right?
zalae could do an entire stream of him just reacting to vines. such powerful boomer energy
Admirable clearly had the power of God, Anime and Armor on his side.
The Rogue played:
Missing Demon Hunter, Druid, and Mage. This makes me want to build a deck specifically so that I can play a card from each class in a game.
Edit: Played Grandmummy, so priest too.
how did he have a hench clan burgler in his hand turn 2?
I like that Zalae's content is now just watching Admirable plays warrior.
Its funny. Im playing Highlander Hunter RN (11-1 in mirrors) and never, not even once, fought a warrior. Its literally the only class I have 0 matchups. I'm only playing hs because I got to diamond/legend insanely quick with this deck, because I was playing battlegrounds and didnt even bother.
Its obvious I have the power of God And Anime at my side (though I like neither — thats your goal, mortals!).
"Arena is like smashing noobs" I got destroyed by Zalae in our only random arena encounter in hs. I would love to smash him at Magic Arena tho. Different arenas, different noobs!
I love the "lets talk about your problems" — "shut up" hahaha. Seems like Admirable got a good friend. Always nice to remind myself thats still possible. Love the interaction and as far as I think Zalae is nice, I really like Admirable 🙂
When the power of god and anime is on your side but it’s not enough 😞
im honestly surprised zalae has never seen that vine before
me: Hey man, what class are you playing?
the lower right of Egypt map is a jackle
Man, sure wish I could've enjoyed this video… CRUNCH
I can tell from how your talking your semi studying the maps for the new set. For mobile players we only see the bottom left and top right. Just something to think about
Zalae watches Admirable play arena?