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If undertaker was played in standard today, i dont think it wouldve been that good. A lot of cards can battle it now.
Naga Sea Witch…
There was Quest Mage in Wild for so long and Demon Hunter just SHITTED ON IT. Your level of excitement was great.
that warsong commander its the nerfed one, the original gave everything charge
Number one was classic lol
First time I ever said fuck this game playing hearthstone was after I got Leeroy shadowstep into leeroy shadow step into leeroy double cold blood dropped on me like 5 games in a row
imo waygate should be nerfed to 10 spells. even at 8 i've seen mages complete it ridiculously fast
Are you doing card reviews?
Totally unexpected top 1
I remember in 2013 edwin had stealth lol
The original tink master overspark was in EVERY deck cause it was neutral removal as it could target the creature u wanted and heavy rng on your own to get a super fast 5/5 3:28:45 “this is the worst card in the entire set” 😂
baku review
Id agree with pretty much all of them but i think you missed two important ones :
Mad scientist and mysterious challenger
I do miss patches old voice line. Also lyras, but I feel like nobody remembers that one.
Hmm. No malygos?
Seems like a druid's abuser video.
I am waiting giveaway from u Zeddy)))
This ending XDDD so accurate
I would have probably disliked this video if my favourite worm didnt make the list.OP OP creeper. Nice vid Zeddy
Corridor creeper was insane. Probly the most insane card in hearthstone in the sense of the new meta it was introduced in. Was LITERALLY in every single deck.
Adept being 7/4 is traumatizing to look at