Top 10 Runewords - Diablo 2

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27 thoughts on “Top 10 Runewords — Diablo 2

  1. I was brand new at diablo2, my friend decides to give me three runes and says put them in the armor. He didn't tell me which way to do it so I went "Jah, Ber, Ith". After doing so I ask him "what do I do now?" I haven't heard from that friend for 12 years.

  2. i always wonder how people aquiere all these runewords, do they just play online and there is a huge exp boost or so? in singleplayer i never get that high

  3. Not playing diablo 2 anymore, but i still like videos what are you doing, they are good to watch even if im not active player atm, feels good to watch video like that from time to time 😀

  4. Watching your videos and streams makes me want to start playing this awesome game again. It's my favorite game after all. I never really knew the combinations or which were the best runewords to use, i just played the game without them. Thanks for the video X.

  5. So glad I found your channel. I really miss Diablo 2. I remember my favorite runeword for leveling was always Steel for my melee characters.

  6. I wished there was videos like this 8 yrs ago it would off been such a help..

  7. Teleport is the worst spell ever introduced in this game. It syphons the fun out of the game in multiplayer. So in my opinion , enigma is bullshit aswell , even tho the stats are better.

  8. my personal list for player — not mercenary (like obidience or insight):
    1: grief — endgame
    2: last wish — endgame
    3: fortitude — endgame
    4: sanctuary — in hyperion for amazon best block & look
    5: duress — "midgame" fortitude 🙂
    6: crescent moon — my favourite RW in the whole game — cheap and powerfull
    7: exile
    8: treachery
    9: COH
    10: spirit
    and the others… but i'm using those mostly, and as you see i prefer melee 🙂

  9. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I used larzuks open socket question to put 4 sockets in a pole arm. Then I made sure to put all the runes in the correct order but I'd didnt make insight.. any idea why it would do that?

  10. What kind of weapon or armor you need to make a rune word?
    What are criteria other than socketed needed to actually create rune word?

    Please help xtimus, I put runes in a weapon in intended order but the weapon did not turned into rune word what did I do wrong ?

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