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Top 5 Decks after the July Nerfs in Heartstone
Today we will be looking at the 5 best performing decks after the July Nerfs in Hearthstone. In the video you will see the best performing deck for 5 different classes with an overview of each, their matchups a mulligan guide, and if it’s worth crafting. At the end I will also give you information about other working deck archetypes out there as well, so don’t worry if you don’t see your favorite one in this top 5. I know I say this a lot, but I would really appreciate it if you drop a like on the video and subscribe to the channel. Things are not going too great lately, and showing some support would really help me keep on doing what I’m doing. Thanks in advance!
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Deck Codes:
00:00 — Intro
00:37 — Deck 1
03:33 — Deck 2
05:08 — Deck 3
06:57 — Deck 4
08:42 — Deck 5
10:25 — Other Great decks
Dayum never first to see vid
Keep it up mate
U must rename title as High Five with Kris O Five. Liked content.
Hmm weird. Using deck code for deck 1 says.. I dont have that hero?
Something to remember about sword and bomb is that you don't want to keep it against slower decks, because there it will be used as grom activator
Nice video Kris as always, but I have a not about Quest Warlock: Some players run Sky Gen'eral Kragg from the Galakrond's Awakening (4 mana 2/3 taunt that summon 4-2 with rush if you have an active quest) pretty solid card, i tried and it works decent (At least for me), can be played and without it put it's a nice card!
You deserve more support I hope things go better for you!Good list overall I think the only deck I would've also mentioned was jambre's evolve galakrond shaman but maybe the stats don't back it up?I tried playing this Highlander hunter today I went 2-0 in the mirror and against secret rogue and I never even drew frizz.deck feels strong.
Не съм сигурен дали трябва да пиша на английски , но добра идея ли е да крафтваме нови декове месец преди новия експанжън