TOP SECRET CONTROL SECRET MAGE!! Taking Secrets in a New Direction! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

I’ve tried a few different ways to make Apexis Smuggler work in a faster Secret Mage like the ones of old, but the card is way more about value generation and stretching out games. Arcane Flakmage is another defensively-suited secret synergy card. So why can’t we make the deck way slower and play for value and defense instead of aggression? We can! And it works!


#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | TOP SECRET CONTROL SECRET MAGE!! Taking Secrets in a New Direction!


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35 thoughts on “TOP SECRET CONTROL SECRET MAGE!! Taking Secrets in a New Direction! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. @RegisKillbin Can we get a custom card video where people take standard cards and turn them into legionaries by buffing/changing them slightly?

  2. Most fun deck in HS history ….switched Evocation for Spellbender (Amazing card in this deck btw) bcs dont have it but discover it anyway most of the time. 🙂

  3. Why the hell are you the streamers in your videos for youtube always put (I say) on the contrary, first show in the rank 5/4 winning and then later on are already in the rank 7/6 .. obvious to win you never see the defeats.

    Now what is the WR% of this deck?

    Peace ✌

  4. 1:20. I personally think that seal fate on face turn 3 is never the right play. Especially in a control matchup. You can get far more value out of the card than getting 3 damage in on turn 3. Save it dammit

  5. That 2nd Rogue almost won because of their garbage Solitaire turn after being trash for the entire game. Why don’t they just HoF Malygos already?

  6. Wait twin slice is their good card? I thought it was priestess of fury. Everytime I play that card on curve I win the game. And it's the only card that matters in the mirror match for sure. I like this mage deck tho looms fun.

  7. I like this deck because it's decent yet not a braindead roll the dice casino mage and it's not as greedy too.

  8. Wow that first guy got totally wrecked by not playing around secrets. Attacking with the 1/1 into possible flame ward, them giving ultimate counterspell value.

  9. Don't give Blizz the idea to make Lightforged Lackies to give divine shield, rogue dosen't need any more value! Dx

  10. Not many people run counterspell? I run it as rogue, people don't expect it. Denied a priest's Plaige of Death yesterday. Hahahahaha

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