TRANSFER STUDENT SHENANIGANS!! Wild Highlander Mage Goes to School! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Transfer Student has arrived, giving us the first glimpse of Scholomance Academy in action! But is it any good? Well, it’s serviceable! This Highlander Mage in Wild gives it extra chances to shine.

Decklist: AAEBAbTqAx7AAcUE9w36DokUwxaFF+m6Ati7AtPFAsPqAs7vAu72Asb4AqCAA72ZA4qeA/yjA4ukA5KkA7+kA/qsA+yvA/CvA5GxA4S2A4y2A+G2A427A8PMAwAA
Deck Level: Okay
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#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | TRANSFER STUDENT SHENANIGANS!! Wild Highlander Mage Goes to School!


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27 thoughts on “TRANSFER STUDENT SHENANIGANS!! Wild Highlander Mage Goes to School! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. The paladin shouldn’t have played Raid Leader. They should have saved it, attacked, their Creeper would cost (1), and they would be able to play it & hero power.

  2. You guys should have seen once Regis put Lorewalker CHO in… things got bonkers.

  3. the intro was a true mistake. i was ready to watch hearthstone but you reminded me how melee is 20x more enjoyable

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