Transfer Student has arrived, giving us the first glimpse of Scholomance Academy in action! But is it any good? Well, it’s serviceable! This Highlander Mage in Wild gives it extra chances to shine.
Decklist: AAEBAbTqAx7AAcUE9w36DokUwxaFF+m6Ati7AtPFAsPqAs7vAu72Asb4AqCAA72ZA4qeA/yjA4ukA5KkA7+kA/qsA+yvA/CvA5GxA4S2A4y2A+G2A427A8PMAwAA
Deck Level: Okay
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#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone
Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | TRANSFER STUDENT SHENANIGANS!! Wild Highlander Mage Goes to School!
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love me some star fox
0:20 Skipperino Regiserino
Love that handsome boy
I’m about to buy the mega bundle…I really want shando wildclaw I won’t lie
Transfer student is lackey 2.0!
like the last few expansions have been dark…..very few wacky expansions recently
Was there an interaction between kel and arthas? It was skipped over
Ah yes, the map dependent furry lackey we were all waiting for.
Transfer studen should have fox’s melee sound effects.
any details on why transfer student is named NOOOOOOOOOOO in the deck tracker?
"Wait, it's all Transfer Student?"
"Always has been."
Regis, you could play Inkmaster Sonia in your deck, she’s a better Dragoncaster!
Home is where the wagon is!
Wait is Kel’thuzad available now if you buy the bundle??
At 6:05 should Zephrys have offered ramming speed?
Home iswhere the wagon is!
This intro give me PTSD.
The paladin shouldn’t have played Raid Leader. They should have saved it, attacked, their Creeper would cost (1), and they would be able to play it & hero power.
Thank you for playing the superior Constructed game mode! 😊
Regis always has the best openings! he could have hero powered and kept resource in hand for the same result. So you were right Regis it was a misplay 🙂
"So what happens next? Transfer student shows up…."
I'm liking this just because of the intro.
You guys should have seen once Regis put Lorewalker CHO in… things got bonkers.
If your new art isn't you as a teacher at Scholomance Academy… man, what a waisted opportunity!
the intro was a true mistake. i was ready to watch hearthstone but you reminded me how melee is 20x more enjoyable