Illidan senpai teaches Aranna and the gang how to find your inner demon.
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♬ Kevin MacLeod
♬ Ronald Jenkees
‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
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When you gonna play a normal standard game? I'm tired af of battlegrounds
I love this rhyming so much, it's all great
If it said “Destroy a glow cap mushroom and give your minions +1/+1, and draw a card” you’d be correct, comma’s kill in English my friend.
petition to make Magtheridon Prime a neutral legendary
This new single player content seems awfully easy and non-replayable. They've even removed any deck building element out of it. Who exactly is this made for and what's the point? Blizzard had a winning formula with Dungeon Runs and player building decks with cool relics. Why did they go back to this easy, pointless "run it once, get reward" type content?
trump uses button every fucking time, but when hero power is actually useful to try digging for lethal (first magtheridon fight) he suddenly decides to ignore it, trade and develop board. the madman.
Anybody else realize that MXR is actually in a raid shadow legends commercial??
Oh man, I can't wait for the video on the next wing. Starts with my favourite fight ever
So we have the new league of explorers, but what will they do to the Ashtongue that left?
I really like Aranna and her story tbh
LoL at 0:27 he changed his clothes
when playing as squibb I had embiggen in my opening hand and drew another on turn 3 or 4 which made the fight quite quick
I lost to Shalja 3 times because 3 times her hero power casted Eye of the Storm on turn 2 and I just instantly lost
So… apparently Trump has the memory of a goldfish. During last video's last fight, Baduu quite literally left — both her dialog and her card leaving Trump's hand attest to it. And now Trump is wondering why she wasn't here… /facepalm/
I like that Magtheridon stole Optimus Primal's catch phrase.
When I played Shalja i got her to 1 health, then her hero power played the 10 mana summon 3, 5/6 taunt guys….. twice
If the hero power said "+1/+1, and draw a card" it would have been a separate effect. That is why the oxford comma is important.
If he's a demonhunter hunter, does that make him a warden?
Nice shirt change.
26:38 "The Rusted Legion will taste my glaives!"
11:11 he protecc, he attac, but most importantly, HE BIG SMACC
Time to see if my hearthstone app is just bugged cause it won't accept me winning magtheridon
that conversation between Aranna and Illidan in ch 3.3 is bleeping gold!
I had to fight Shalja 5 times since every single game she would get multiple free eye of the storms as early as turn 5. When she faces Trump all that happens is she clears her own board. I feel so cheated.
Shalja was the only one where I had to restart (beat every other boss in one try). she got eye of the storm 3 times, which was total bullshit.
24:36 Ironic, Karnuk says that Magtheridon's blood corrupted his people, but forgets it was done by Illidan, his new master.. at least in WoW
P.S. Though Magtheridon's answer is a hint I guess
all demon hunters are unredeemable emos confirmed