Triple Gan'arg = Easy Warrior Wins | Warrior Arena | Hearthstone

Finally a run with the top dog of the arena classes: Warrior!


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♬ Kevin MacLeod
♬ Ronald Jenkees


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
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49 thoughts on “Triple Gan'arg = Easy Warrior Wins | Warrior Arena | Hearthstone

  1. I watched this live and I still don't understand Trump's logic why he isn't technically lying about "literally never gotten offered Warrior before".
    He insisted that it's technically literally true, but i just don't get why that would be.

  2. 5:29 Fiery war axe gets an extra 50% of its tier score from spiteful smith synergy… seems like bad code. First of all, that's a single card in the whole deck. What are the chances you'll have them at the same time? Second, spiteful smith's effect isn't that easy to trigger and the buff isn't that big. Nothing about this synergy is worth that much.

  3. I wouldn't say tempo doesn't matter in this format. But I would say that very few cards matter in some games. Like Alexstrasza. As long as you have cards like the explorers to discover dragons and you build to just in case draft Alex, you have a chance oh hitting her and 90% of the time when you play her you win the game unless you're ridiculously far behind.
    Arena's (and hs in general) always been a format where, if neither player is close to dying, if one player can use all their mana each turn, and the other is playing a 1 drop, hero powering, and passing, the guy who spends all their mana wins. I feel terrible when I'm topdecking and my opponent still has 4+ cards.

  4. 8:22 That locust trade is really odd. The only rationale I could find with it is either: use the rush to setup for the 4/2 to kill next turn, or he saw into Trump's hand, saw the risky skipper + ritualist free clear.

  5. Trump: We are playing a tempo deck
    Trump 0.452 seconds later: ill armor up instead of playing a 2 drop

  6. You play this game for a living and you’re still unbelievably terrible at it.. choosing a 4/3 freeze an enemy battle cry instead of Execute. Speechless.

  7. 16:25 "stupid scorpion"

    But trump, you could've cleared it but you didn't because you think your 1/10 dies even with commanding shout…

  8. That second game,his opponent warior was so bad i was insulted😅🤯🌡
    "So much rage!"
    So much draw cards!
    So much ragequits!😅😆🤣🤬

  9. man trump say it him self his deck is tempo/face and what does he do spends the entire time trading he just can't play non value or non mid range decks.

  10. The 9/1 from Disguised Wanderer didn't get to attack even once in this video. It was hit by a weapon sometimes, though.

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