Elana Havencraft has been picking up in popularity recently. A variation to the deck is Sofina Amulet Haven, which has explosive turn 5 or 6 potential with the right draws.
Get the deck code for this and my other decks on my website! http://www.thejordude.com
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TheBrewdude: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnsZWSAF9Nl0vhsNywvA1H82MZiKWp3jV
Hearthstone Deck Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnsZWSAF9Nl1wBYnWnKb43ozB-zWFncg7
TheJordude’s Basics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnsZWSAF9Nl1uSsRgAs1G2vb03ywBx4Sh
#Shadowverse #FortunesHand #ShadowverseDeck
make haven great again!
I f'n love Jordude I'm sitting in the top 10k in rotation thanks to this guy.
Dude wtf I just got sofina and wanted to build a deck with her. Are you spying on me? Where are the cameras?
I thought i missed this premiere but i didn't kool. I rarely use haven or portal just not my crafts. I say my weakest ones are portal, haven, dragon
Always enjoy Haven play. Can’t wait for the Elana video
isn't sphinx better for the turn 3?
shouldn't you include 1 the world? just in case you got swarmed or need to destroy sacritan ? or when cannot get sofina or elana to hand?
Bro, I watched your whole video and I didn't realize that 17 minutes has past, it felt like 1 minute! Good video 👍
you make it look easy