Trying Out A Late Game Pivot | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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39 thoughts on “Trying Out A Late Game Pivot | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. man, i wish these fights would go on even longer, they end when the fun just started

  2. for the love of god please stop spending half a turn literally doing nothing while saying: i gotta go fast

  3. This is a bad strat statistically, but I've hero powered an early Wrath Weaver and gone demons. I just kinda find it fun, it makes early game easy.

  4. You didn't have time cause you talk too much at the beginning of every recruit and start buying then selling while fighting with the rope. I do enjoy your gameplay yhe most but god this is so irritating.

  5. Savjz: the reconnect thing is really broken
    Also Savjz: 120 second is not enough
    😂😂😂 I guess nothing can save the boomer APM

  6. I'm convinced Savjs is not quite there in the head. Watching him play this he takes on average longer than the normal gamer would to make decisions, yet he climbs because he plays nonstop.

  7. I think the returning a minion to hand could work if it was only usable one per tier because then you couldn't just abuse stat buffing minions. Although there might be another flaw I can't think of

  8. "I didnt have time" you spent all the time doing noting… you are just a bad player with too much luck, noting more

  9. "It was going so slow.. I didnt have time to play it." After waiting forty seconds of doing nothing.

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