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Turn 4 Ghastcoiler and Tier Six on turn 9 as A. F. Kay!
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Clutter — Ronald Jenkees
Neptune — Ronald Jenkees:
Hearthstone 8 bit —
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Has 2 Zapp
Sell 1 Zapp
Find 3rd Zapp
Madness has fallen upon how often this happens
It's possible that the other player had the remaining Ghascoilers in hand…
me it was wolf pack leader and shifter zerus and the shifter turned into a mama bear
11 years ago, 2009. I was watching a cod4 movie called Cereal Killers by Mazarini. The intro was a Halloween remix by Ronald Jenkees. I searched for other songs by him, including Clutter.
Today, I heard an old familiar song. Thank you for reminding me all those beautiful years.
Didn’t come across a single baron, never lucky
Nice music
Should've put in Righteous Protector or Egg or Mecharoo. That Kangor's actually working there should have won you the game. A divine shield popper hydra was meh
Lmao turn 4 coiler and still lose haha
can't believe you still choked it FeelsBadMan
Don't try to this at home u gonna be sad !
Oh I got 40 health ,I guess I won’t die now
Is 6k Rank good in Battlegrounds?
Why not either sell the kangors or buy something that eats the zapp hits? That was a really weird mistake for anyone that's played the game for even an hour.
Question: can rafaam steal a snake coming from a secret like snake trap?
Should have bought annoyotron that final round to eat the zap and actually get kangor value.
Isn't it great knowing what to build at turn 4
honestly impressive that you lost that
That's some Trump-approved music right there, love it!
the way this video is sped up is giving me alice in wonderland disorder.
Dude this is the reason why you are at 6k😂 you could easily be going for 8-10k without this trolling😂
New challenge: make a 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 board
not sure if I came across you or someone copying your name but if u were the 1 i came across last night all I have to say is…..Hogriders Move Out ! 😀
love when you get zerus from sneeds 3 times in a row
>6k mmr
not surprised with plays like the ones youre making lol
That Kangor's so useless dude, it hurt a lot watching you keeping it… god damn
Odly satisfying
so badly played …
Righteous defender could save your kangor apprentice from zap.
UMM u mean turn 9?
Check out this top 10 plays
5:05 otk in battlegrounds?
lucky,but still very very fucking noob
I mean I guess it’s kind of nice to have these sped up a bit but I am absolutely no clue what is going on at about 3:00. I’ll find videos to watch that value the viewer.
Настолько тупой что не смог законтрить пыща три мать его раза
this is why normally , this is just a bad build… but you got lucky so 150k + viewers watched it expecting it to be a place 1 run. expectations got crushed
В т6 не надо было идти. Я всегда играю раннюю игру, но смысл на т5 останавливаться есть только
O. You used the minion who transforms into other minions. I thought you meant you found a way to get to 6 stars or 5 stars with a combo summon by turn 4. You got me man. You got me
Nice use of Ronald Jenkees 😀
Честно, у меня под конец прям нервный срыв случился из-за того что ни одного триплета не попалось после стольких роллов. Херкамень АЛЛО, что не так с рандомом?
Holy fuck, this comment section is really toxic.
Hearthstone = 90% lucky, 10% skill
5:03 imagine you did this to a top guy that's still flawless lol
no luck at all
6:24 buying 1/1 divine shield could give 1st place.