Turns Out Mal’Ganis Is TRULY ETERNAL | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1578
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ES_Merry-Go-Round — Stationary Sign
ES_Crazy ‘Bout You — Golden Age Radio
ES_Rolling In The Retro Jam 3 — Victor Olsson
ES_Lindy Hop Gals — Golden Age Radio
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:30 — Moments
10:37 — Outro
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Today’s title is misleading: Mal’Ganis is a turtle.
I would make a second 1 mana 1/1 version of Stargazer Luna where instead of drawing you discard your whole hand and deck as a Battlecry, and must be included in all Mage decks ever, start in your opening hand and mandatory playing on turn 1. Then maybe all mages will suffer a small bit of what I’ve suffered against them and RNJesus
Comment Question: If u came up with a new keyword, what will it be called. Idk if that was done already but that would be a cool question to ask the viewers
Nat Pagle would be a Pirate but his lore would be that he is a Tuna Bandit and smuggles rare fish
Edwin Vacleef, pirate king- Battlecry for each pirate summon this game gain +1/+1, Deathrattle summon two random pirates that died this game.
5mana 4 health 4 attack
Could we like normalize the volume a bit, really sucks going from 35 decibels to 80 suddenly
what card does the 1/4 change into at 7:05?
I would make a offensive tirion fordring, 7 mana, 5/6, battlecry equip a 5/3 weapon
Like for the Thijs
This time an Italian freestyle.
Hey, Mr. Narrator, you could do a freestyle for us?
Dragon Priest/ Paladin with running Deathwing Dragonlord was my favorite back in the day
Any more videos of otk murloc paladin? I can't be the only one playing it on legend ladder
Thijs have a new look for your new rapper carrer. I'm so happy
Comment Question: What is your favorite thing that a minion saids when summoned?
Blink fox untamed: fill your hand with random cards from another class. (I just really love blink fox and want to see it return)
10:07 My freaking EARS!
Some re-skined version of Nozdormu with a bit of older togwaggle flavour. 7 mana 3/10 with text Battlecry: Give your opponent a Cursed Pocketwatch. While it’s in their hand, their turn is 15 seconds long. The pocket watch is a spell that costs 4 mana
Millhouse Manastorm with his beloved Pyroblast at 10 mana. So BC cast a Pyroblast at a random target if you have 10 mana.
New Gruul. It says, "At the start of each turn, gain +1/+1" and is a 7 mana 6/6.
I would change zeprhys to, While this is in your hand, it becomes the perfect card if your deck has no duplicates.
I believe that a second gruul modeled after dragonkiller gruul from the outland challenges should be added.
10:30 SIMP SI
comment question : Dark Milhouse Manastorm, 6 mana 3/3, battlecry : play three spells for zero mana
New Malganis idea: 9 mana 9/7 Malganis, Turtle Form! Battlecry: Replace your hero with Malganis. Malganis hero has 7 health, start with a 9 attack weapon and 5-mana hero power: Summon Malganis.
10:05 Damn, I'm so fking hate those screamstone "streamer"
What bob says: you’re doing great out there! What he means: you’re screwed
Millhouse the Magnificent: 2 mana 4/4 Battlecry: your opponent's cards all cost 2 less for next turn only.
New Mal'Ganis. Immune while you have another demon on the field.
6:45 Why did the Warlock even run imp-summoning cards? I don't even run Voidlords because I don't want Bloodreaver to summon voidwalkers.
Можно ли выглядеть менее крутым и более задротом, чем тхис в бейсболке.
Alternate version of Tirion where all of the stats and deathrattle are the same, but if you're against a Gul'dan, he dies immediately after you play him.
I would redo Nozdormu into a version that only allows players to play only one card and make one attack per turn. (The flavor of slowing time down as opposed to speeding it up)
Mountainfist over-ogre: It's boulderfist ogre but with +1 to cost and attack and +2 to health. Now that's good stats for the cost!
Could you flip Morgl in the end?
I, for one, welcome the era of Prison Thijs.
Whelp Master Leeroy 5 mana 2/6 Battlecry: Fill Your board with 1/1 whelps.
New Onyxia: 9 cost 8/8. Battlecry: pick an enemy minion to kick into the whelps, summon a 1/1 whelp to attack it. Repeat until target is dead.