ULTIMATE COUNTER TO ILLIDAN!? Control Shaman Hunts Demon Hunter! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

This Control Shaman list from CheeseHead was played to Legend this month, which is no surprise, given the fact that it absolutely preys on Demon Hunters! If you’re looking for a cool way to play an underutilized class, or just looking to farm Demon Hunter, this deck could be for you!

Decklist: https://twitter.com/CheeseHeadHS/status/1267887064588210176
Deck Level: Hopeful
Guide to Deck Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh

0:00 Intro
0:18 Game 1
9:58 Game 2
21:17 Game 3

#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | ULTIMATE COUNTER TO ILLIDAN!? Control Shaman Hunts Demon Hunter!


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20 thoughts on “ULTIMATE COUNTER TO ILLIDAN!? Control Shaman Hunts Demon Hunter! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. Instead of Lurker and Cumulo, run cards that can win games again control decks

  2. How does this deck hold up against otk DH? (I know it's rare, but, ykno it's anti DH so i figured it would also counter otk :D)

  3. I've started to watch a bunch of other hearthstone creators but I haven't found any that have you energy. They all seem to be very subdued and quiet and there just not as fun to watch. Keep up the amazing work 🙂

  4. Far Sight is soo stupid. The discount didn't even trigger for Bandersmosh, so all you did was cycle for 3 mana.

  5. Dm: — I Am Complete
    Regis: — Which brew Lurker below
    Dm: — But….. I Am .. Complete 😟
    Regis: Ozze Earthquake
    Dm: — Mooooom 😭😭😭

  6. Hey Regis! Wish the best for you and your wife. Love you guys and have a fantastic weekend! Thanks for the super fun content

  7. Is it more a testament to the viability of this deck (I know it's rated as a "hopeful" deck) or the ongoing absurdity that is demon hunter that the "ultimate demon hunter counter" still had pretty close matches each game, some almost a loss.

  8. This deck is auto lose to priest and rouge and mage probably too. It isnt worth to play deck that counter only agro decks.

  9. Soo Regis … Ma man … I mistakenly picked the priest deck for my free deck for returning players since it was disabled for so long I just clicked whatever and now I'm stuck with Rez priest … What can I do to improve my given priest deck I have not alot of dust just around 500

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