No one expects you to play shaman, so you’re already at a huge advantage. On top of that it’s an extremely fast paced combining both spells and many totems to quickly overwhelm you opponent and blow them into oblivion!
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First 😀
The first 5 minute: such a nice guy
The rest of the video: drops the f bombs 🙂
nice run
loved it
Im simple man i see unicorn i click
god….. priest, mages, DH and rouges are so disgusting to the point I just started playing legends of runterra. surprisingly it was a really good decision.
This is how Shaman makes you feel.
With such a title i am trying the deck
Warshack i subbed
Warshack fantastic channel
You will lavaburst your fucking face if you try to play my deck — warshack 2020. You can't write better comedy than this lol
Flawless impression of bloodlust.
i remember watching you on ur stream stomp ppl on ladder with this deck. Whats ur W-L?
I love your personality dude, never change!
When Priest uses his 20th removal and 5th randomly generated. And still some believe that Demon Hunter needs nerf. But Blizzard shows us which is her favorite class.
What can I replace vess with?
Fun deck! I added a splitting axe instead of the sidekick. Seems pretty good.
The first Soul Mirror was actually the one he runs in the deck, it didn't say "Created by Renew" below it. The second mirror was in fact from Renew.
That first game is a summary of hearthstone rn people are winning with cards that doesn't start on their deck and it feels like your decisions don't matter because like this priest did with a renew a rogue can always pull dragon queen from an 1 drop. What a joke.
I was watching that priest game at the beginning, thinking to myself, "how the hell is he going to win this one". Kudos for being one of those streamers who actually posts relevant losses for others to watch and learn.