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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz
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Somethings fishy is going on…
Dat's a lot of fish
Don't feed the troll
All good stories has an antagonist
Next level plays
5:40 quickly editing out the love 🙁
@Savjz Stok Coldbrew is by far my favorite store bought iced coffee. The "Not too sweet" is my favorite and my wife likes the chocolate. It tastes better than Starbucks, it's healthier, and it's far cheaper. Not sponsored or anything, just a coldbrew enthusiast. There are better ones out there but this one you can actually find in stores. Anyways, been a fan for many years so don't beat me up here, my fellow youtube viewers.
19:40 why did he only get 2 shields? Is that a bug cause both the macaw and the selfless hero are golden he should get 4 shields.
Rightous protector would have countered spawn on the next round, 03:46
Slowest player of HS, spend half the turn to talk about some useless drink. Well, what can ever go wrong.
Lol, nothing is more satisfying than when the emotes all of a sudden stop. 😀
How could he have thought of getting a ghoul? Well… murlocs?
Hero power: -10 KEKW
Please level for megasaur 3 turns earlier next time, you wasted so much time on tier 5…
The sniping is not great of course but the other day i stoped at Savjz stream and Bhruffalo (dont know if the name is right but lazy to stop the vid when he is hovering xD) adds to the content because is kinda fun, you can tell even Savjz is not so mad about it, on the stream is pretty funny
what if they made the bartender's hero power "reduce the cost of tavern tiers by 2 instead of 1 each turn"
tho I'm pretty sure this will be beyond broken tbh
You didn't say bruhfalo's name when he donated to you
He's getting his simpvenge