We Just STOLE This Game Away! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz


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25 thoughts on “We Just STOLE This Game Away! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. 4:10 was a mistake. You should have the other murloc. With the buff it would have been on the long term much stronger. Why do so many people pass up a murloc that has so much end game potential? It can grow well over 100 attack.

  2. I miss the old tracker's ability to tell you the probability of getting your outcome or worse, rather than just the odds for win/tie/lose

  3. Dr. Strange: I looked forward in time, i saw 14,000,605 futures.
    Savjz: In how many of those did i get lethal?
    Dr. Strange: One… 14:05

  4. If Kripp hit that 0.2% lethal, there’ll less reaction than if he loses a 50/50

  5. Does people actually think this gamemode is fun to watch? I dont understand how. Anyway love you Savjz!

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