What's Better Than Libram of Hope? TWO Libram of Hope!! | Paladin Arena | Hearthstone

I am hopeful that this run will do well… hihi.


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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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32 thoughts on “What's Better Than Libram of Hope? TWO Libram of Hope!! | Paladin Arena | Hearthstone

  1. So Garosh says victory or death. And if he surrenders he says I chose death. Yea, I am in hearthstone since beta tests

  2. i know you dont read comments and i wish you could see mine but i wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart i know its weird … to hear this but you actually saved my life i am going through…..a lot of shit right now but for some reason your videos make me smile and i LOVE watching them thank you so much ♥ (dont bully me comments im at peace)

  3. game 10 was like watching constructed match.
    Game 11 though, not sure if it could've gone differently, but you really screwed yourself over by not trading before the reborn minions came in.

  4. “Trump attempts to fake a reaction upon getting a legendary in a game he is clearly losing interest in”

  5. the trump i knew wouldnt have attacked with a blessing of wisdomed 5/5 minion even if his opponent was at 6 hp.

  6. 9:159:40 Exactly what’s wrong with the Meta today
    Great games though, easily one of your most entertaining Arena runs, you made both the Warrior and Shaman rage quit!

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