What Is He Gonna Do?? KILL ME?? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1406

What Is He Gonna Do?? KILL ME?? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1406

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ES_Monkey Town 2 — Hakan Eriksson
ES_Down Tiddlywink Road — Harper Rey
ES_Crazy ‘Bout You — Golden Age Radio
ES_Late for the Catwalk — Radio Night
ES_Lose to Win — Stationary Sign
ES_Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin

(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:

◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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21 thoughts on “What Is He Gonna Do?? KILL ME?? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1406

  1. Love divine shields, don't think it could become anything else than a great mechanic, windfury is situational (Zephrys lethal for example), stealth may have more counters and enrage is very strong in whip warrior deck.
    The main issue lies not in keywords but in mana cost adjustment.

    Edit : as an answer to the second question, Blizzard should stick with their historical strenght : give us very good games with huge release delay. Departures of great staff members since Ben Brode is quite worrying.

  2. divine shield? yes, ziliax uses it, siamat is often played with it oh and zephrys gives that 8 mana minion that name i forgot often that has divine shield and has flavor text of "if you haven't heard of this minions theme music, its because it doesn't exist". windfury? zephrys gives either that or double attack spell for lethal so yeah sure and siamat is often played with it. stealth? i haven't seen that much unless its from quest druid playing that legendary with 4 choices that includes stealth, but the spirit of the shark has stealth and its played in unfinished quest rogue decks so yeah sure, enrage, not really, they should make while damaged be more useful. right now its just meh.

  3. That dragonslayer fight is such badly designed railroading, I bet devs had a good laugh at all the players they sucker punched with artificial difficulty not realizing good games don't do that.

  4. Divine shield is, enrage hasn’t been relevant in the meta for a while. Poison neither and the only wind fury you see in this meta is lethal with Zeph.

  5. Divine shield is in the meta but the other keywords are out of meta. Windfury is very hardly used and enrage is only good for the hunter legendary. Stealth is only used for warlock.

  6. 10:20

    I dont understand, so many thing wrong.
    Is that even beer?
    If so, beer in a can means its american beer, thats equivalent to juice.
    Every single european can chug a proper beer faster than that. I was 16 and it took me 5 seconds and thats considered very slow

  7. Almost every single one of those keyword traits are used in an OTK in some form or another, so yes. They are still very relevant and very annoying

  8. It always weird me out when people rank 9 and streaming. I guess people only watch for entertainment purposes.

  9. I think that mentioned key words are more a minor part of a class identity. For example windfury is for shaman, divine shield for paladin, stealth for rogue, enrage for warrior, spell damage for mages, reborn for priests etc this old keywords are really relevant in meta and we are waiting for keywords for warlock hunter and druid

  10. Hearthstone will remain fine as making lot of money for Blizzard and as so they have the budget to run it. Compared to Reforged with a small budget and half outsourced and they launched it way too early. The war3 community lost a lot of faith in that company…

  11. 3/4 yes. Enrage isn't much of a mechanic simply because it seems more like a warrior theme and it'd be really hard to come up with interesting, balanced mechanics when it comes to enrage other than a stat boost because if it was something like, ''draw a card'', yea it would be interesting, oh wait Acolyte of Pain has that, only it's not enraged. So yea, it's kind of a forgotten mechanic.

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