What It Feels Like To Be IMMUNE TO BOMBS | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1506
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ES_Make It Anyway — Stationary Sign
ES_Riot — Divorce Applause
ES_Allways On The Go — Henrik Andersson
ES_Sour Grapes — Alexandra Woodward
ES_Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
0:31 Skipperino Daily Hearthstonerino
0:31 to skip the trash part
Being that early feels good
I think that that this balance is a good thing ! Thanks to that, the shaman and the paladin gonna be much better than befor !
I agree with most of the balance change except torrent and shattered rumbler
How i feel about the buff and nerfs are that im wondering when my boy nat pagle will become buffed
Silvername sure is working hard.
10:13 = Truth Some people wont accept
Upcoming balance changes make me think Blizzard is getting somewhat serious with Hearthstone, I’d like to see them giving us the dust directly with no need to disenchant the cards if nerfs are going to be more frequent
Had a solarian prime vs zoo warlock that casted a box and two pyroblasts and a frost bolt to his face cleared his board and built me a board and generated card in my hand
I agree with the new buffs and nerfs accept for Scavenger's Ingenuity. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO MY BOI HUNTER!?
I'm satisfied and agree with the buffs and nerfs, nothing much to say, really.
If you say to someone to not to google something then they'll google it.
The diagrams at the beginning showing the changes actually made me slow down to go over them again. Also, Nostalgic clips seconded.
10:28 I wasn't going to google it but then Mr. Editor told us to "DON 'T" so I had to google it and… YIKES
SilverName's chair needs to tag out…
He's beaten the hell out of it
Demon Hunter is already almost a tier two deck… The runner nerf will push it over the edge.
The nerfs felt really fair, it struck a good balance of making them a little less problematic while not completely killing their viability
Cant believe I made it in twice 😀
altruis still goes face but it’s overall a good patch
Comment Question: Who is your best card reviewer in Hearthstone community.
10:23 Why is it that whenever we ask streamers not to Google something they just don't listen. Wouldn't mind watching it in action tho >:)
My favorite classes didn't get hit with nerfs so I am a happy boi 🙂
5:10 This Is HS mobile in a nutshell
2:10 Definitely a misplay. DH should have killed the Bomb Wrangler leaving exactly 6 health. That is the problem with some DH players, they can't do anything besides hit face.
I’m pretty sure I would have rage conceded if I was the warrior in that first clip
Paz heroes
Lurker below is still too slow. The 2+ health buff will not make Shaman any better of a class. It’s needs to be discounted to 4 or 5 mana.
Yay! More 1-drops for Paladin! Aldor Attendant can now curve into Hand of Adal now! I'm glad i didn't dust my Lurker Below =p
the nerfs hit broken cards in all the top tier decks and honestly, i still expect rogue to be top tier, but hopefully It'll be easier to respond to when my minion only costs 1 more since blackjack stunner nerf. demon hunter had it coming, lets be honest, surprised by warlock nerf but looking at it now, its fair.
I'm definitely surprised by some of the buffs. Take Shattered Rumbler — why that card? It was practically pack filler. But maybe it's precisely because it was pack filler in a weak class that a buff as minor as one point of attack can only do good.
Only 1 comment for this patch : useless
10:24 I’m sure the majority of us watching knows exactly what that is.
They only nerfed new cards of galakrond rogue, instead of toggwaggle. Demon hunter stili rules. And priest thanks.
You already know we are going to have look for it