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I get a lot of questions about the free decks offered to new or returning players. Therefore, I went through the decks and their stats to get you up-to-date information on which deck is the best and which deck you should choose!
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This video is from the era of Year of the Phoenix Standard format and Ashes of Outland expansion.
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I dont even play hearthstone anymore but i love watching your videos!
Play zoo warlock again plz
I think any of the galakrond decks are the best just because you get kronx dragonhoof with any of them meaning it opens up the ability to play any version of galakrond you want which is really nice so since I returned with my account I picked shaman (just because I've always liked shaman) and it also let me play all of the others mostly just warlock for me since shaman and warlock have always been my favourite and I absolutely despise priest and I only play enrage warrior and I hate galakrond rouge but hey it gives me an amazing piece for those classes if I wanted to play them.
A discussion in r/competitiveHS told me that the most Value in Dust is the Dragon/Spell Mage and the "best" (most competitive) is the Pirate Warrior.
Random comment to support the channel
Hello Old Guardian sorry if this is out of topic,but with the spell druid,what card can be change for the glowfly swamp,because i dont have it
I m a returning player, i came back 3 months ago. Do you know if i can get any of this decks and how? Thanks Guardian