Wild has a HUGE problem and its Quest Mage! | Scholomance Academy | Hearthstone

Quest Mage: AAEBAf0EBKsE0MEC7vYCxbgDDeYE4xGCtAKYxALO7wLIhwOfmwPimwP/nQO7pQP7rAP9rAO4tgMA

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45 thoughts on “Wild has a HUGE problem and its Quest Mage! | Scholomance Academy | Hearthstone

  1. Zeddy: OMFG BLIZZARD SUCKS THIS DECK IS BROKEN!!! oh here's the decklist btw go murder it outn there

  2. DUDE!!! Stop popularizing quest mage even more. I’m facing a lot more quest mages after you made this video

  3. i hope they buff doll master to 4 mana and and change hemet jungle hunter to destroy all cards below 4 mana.

  4. i dont like this new approach that we want to nerf everything that is good, i liked odd DH, i am not playing it anymore, i do like quest mage, i do play a lot of pirate warriors so my winrate is not so good, i do not see a problem, the only busted deck is raza priest, yet nobody nerfing that :/

  5. if QM goes away, there will be only raza priest, i would hate to play that shit

  6. so ein druidenspieler du hast echt was kaputt im kopf das ganze hmmm, well played is dir zu kopf gestiegen und hat deine birne matschig gemacht

  7. Thanks for been the only wild part that doesn't dickride blizzard about how "tier 3" quest Mage is or how "good" the nerf was and actually talking about the problem

  8. There was a time when I would’ve said RNG is fine… right up until a puzzle box cleared my board then fire balled and Nagrand Slammed my face.

  9. I play odd warrior and i rarely can out armor this deck , only if the opponent is a brain dead and tempos one or two giants but even then i loose at times to random discover bull shit

  10. That fix is the same thing as just deleting sorc's apprenctice though! and all the classic exodia combos die with it. Antonidas is now dustable!

    IMO, the real problem is that they just chose too large of a divisor when they made the game. I think the whole thing could be solved by multiplying every number in the game by 2 across the board.
    imagine if both players started with 60 health, if the mana total was 20, but you get 2 mana crystals per turn, and if every "2 mana" was worth 4n+2 stats instead of 2n+1 stats… so many elegant balance solutions suddenly appear. the problem with hearthstone is exactly its strength. it was designed to be really simple, but oversimplification of the most basic game elements leaves little design space

  11. Some top of the head ideas:
    Nerf Sorc Apprentice to "Battlecry: Your next spell costs 1 mana less." Sorry Tony, btw.
    Nerf Waygate to 12 spells and increase the prize cast cost.
    Prevent duplicate effects on Waygate so Archmage Vargoth shenanigans stop.
    Future expansion: Come up with a tech card that resets quests or turns them off so slow decks have an optional tool to bring. (Look how many tech cards have come out with old Wild boogeyman Big Rez Priest in mind over the year).
    Played an anti-OTK highlander control mage deck that did fairly well a few expansions ago; but there was no reliable answer to two decks: the later-nerfed Darkest Hour Warlock, and Quest Mage (I got lucky once or twice with Unseen Saboteur fishing out the prize or Skulking Geist+Dirty Rat delaying the quest enough for a rare win; none of those are effective against today's current version of Quest Mage that can complete even faster than a year ago).

  12. Yea I literally just concede vs that quest. Hopefully I don't have to be forced into standard

  13. Two points of order:
    1) demon hunters explosive early game has not been nerfed. The late game portions of demon Hunter were scaled back by two damage points and the overpowered board wipe on turn five portion was moved back to turn six.
    2) The reason that pirate warrior was (and is) broken Is not the extra 6 damage you get from Corsair Cash, but the extra three cards that you get to draw to keep the rest of the engine going.

    The reason you both seen quest mage so much at high ranks is because it was always good and the nerfs made it fair. The deck is not unbeatable. The deck just has a very good control matchup, a reasonable mid-range matchup, and a bad aggro matchup. Very few decks have less than a 45% chance to win a game currently unless they're just not in the meta. So we don't have anything to be scared of regarding quest mage just yet. We'll see what happens in scholomance

  14. Nerfing apprentice could fix both flamewanker and quest problem. I don't mind my opponent do literally any combo on the late game, but if they combo early to mid game it's very frustrating

  15. All I'll say is this deck is bad because in the mirror with the exact sequence of play the one who gets the 1 mana spells off the random wins…not the one with better skill but better random…you cant have a high till deck in high legend you just can't we don't want to see a coin flip simulation. We want to see skill

  16. Gotta keep fighting the good fight until we ACTUALLY knock QM down a peg instead of nerfing and then releasing a card that more than makes up for the nerf.

  17. Theres a similar issue with secret mage and Arcane Flakmage. Historically a good counterplay to aggresive mage decks was to get onto board early, get good trades and dont let the mage develop any board presence, and win from there. Both Arcane Flakmage in secret mage and Apprentice + Flamewaker combo in quest mage allows them to get essentially free board clears while also developing aggresive minions…

  18. It's a card that was made before Blizzard went crazy with spell generation and at this point needs a rework or a much heavier nerf.

  19. Spells cost 1 less but no less than 1 is what it should be. There are already cards in the game like this where it says "no less than x mana"

  20. I miss when decks actually had 30 cards, and didnt generate 40 more random ones. Ironically as much as I hate it, Demon Hunter is so refreshing as just the class that has powerful cards that dont rely on RNG

  21. This deck is absolutely absurd. It does everything. Quest completion (Time Warp Spell) should cost more mana, or attach it to a Battlecry minion (also costs more than now but at least it wouldn't add another spell to the pool) — which gives it a sloth of other problems; but literally slot in Vargoth anywhere and you can get 3 turns. Put in Tony and you can Fireball Exodia meme literally for infinite damage. He was right about Sorcerer's Apprentice too — it activates all these things. However, make this a game-wide effect. Effects that reduce the cost of cardscan not reduce them below (1). Thus, every play in the game that feels you've been just cheated because they did SOMETHING for NOTHING is handled, and if nothing can cost (0) anymore, future problems are automatically averted.

  22. Just add a new neutral minion that can destroy quests. But make sure you have it understatted so it’s not an auto include.

  23. Biggest counter to quest mage is to just not play for the first half of the month then you will literally see the deck like 2 times on your climb up the ladder because all the quest mage players are already Legend.

  24. "they buffed the quest from 6 to 8 spells." interesting use of the word buff there.
    But yeah it apparently was not enough

  25. Quest mage absolutely not problem. And day by day after last patch quest mage down more and more in win-rate and popularity (of corse day 1 after DH nerfs there was a lot of them, but now it’s just average meta deck). And, by the way, you want balanced wild? Like really? You are a dreamer, or what? Look at MTG legacy format…

  26. Maybe no card should ever cost 0? Think about how many problems recently were because of 0 mana cards. Twin Slice, DQA, Rogue Galakrond, etc etc

  27. Tough situation. I think that Sorcerer's Apprentice can not be changed because it is such an iconic card for many decks in the past. On the other hand it should be nerfed because of the future of the game. The question is: which is more important? Is there any other way of doing the nerf?

  28. With a control deck you can beat Mecha'thun Warlock or Aviana OTK Druid with a lucky Dirty Rat, I mean, you can even counter that hideous infinite armor Druid just by including a Skulking Geist in your deck, but against Quest Mage there's nothing you can do: cause Rat will usually summon a giant an Geist erases Evocation but Mana Cyclone will do the same shit. So yeah, is very funny.

  29. Yes yes yes but everyone on community forms say "oh top 100 plays don't say it a problem so it must not be a problem" then they give sane copy and past arguments after I disproven all of them

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