YOU SHALL NOT PASS! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Maybe the chosen Kripperino will come back just for this one.
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37 thoughts on “YOU SHALL NOT PASS! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Blizzard should remove battle master from battlegrounds now that our true saviour has left us, rip


  2. I'd like to think a 100 ft tall demon laying waste to all before him, then steps on a spider and just dies.

  3. 8 years ago today Kripp published the best and most important video of his career <3

  4. 8/10 times I had a Battlemaster close to that size, there is poison divine shield murlocs and it´s all over.

  5. I really don't understand how people get such good runs with Millhouse. Sure he can buy alot of minions faster than anyone.
    But for me I always end up behind anyway. Only get 4th place at best. Millhouse is just pure RNG if you get good cards and tripples. Which I never do because rerolls cost to much.
    And even if I manage to get a good start. And then power tier up. Somehow people get all the good 5 star cards before me. I really don't see how Millhouse is that good. Ysera is better than Millhouse in my opinion. She can stay at Tier 1 for a while. Get 2-3 tripple Whelps. Fill her board with dragons. And then power level without the drawback of 2 coin reroll. The Whelps will carry her rounds up till turn 10. Which at that point she can either continiue on the dragon build or she can fill her board with big 5 and 6 star minions and just steal an entire game under peoples noses.

  6. If you do the math there is about a fifty-fifty chance of Kripp winning with solo battlemaster. Most outcomes would result in battlemaster taking 207-230 damage depending on the order of attacks. It is official, Kripp indeed has no balls.

  7. this man should be banned from Battleground for life. no one can touch him. salvage level 100.

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