Hearthstone Battlegrounds — This Ysera thing is almost a meme at this point, but I still attempt it regularly.
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
Imagine he kept the hydra and buffed it every round with the lightfang and later with 2
the kripperino accounts are doing gods work
I've always wondered why you don't put your face-cam on the right side, just above the coins. rather than blocking the person in 8th place.
keep up the great videos mate, thanks again!
"Non-zero situation"
Possibly. Possibly.
Pyramad is OP crap
Can't get first place without murlocs
Wow! A non murloc game! The content we've been waiting for.
17:00 he rationalizes but nah literally looking for nothing
Last 3 matches on YouTube were boomer tastic… meaning they were trash … disappointed…
No murlocs? Wtf
Straight to the top boizzzzz!
I haven't seen Kripp lose to a ghost in quite awhile.
What the hell was Kripp rolling for at the end? The only cards that improve his build are Kalecgos and Nadina, both six drops. He has a board full of golden cards with no triple possibility. It feels like a complete mistake to not level, there's no other way to improve.
imagine putting 24 gold into tier 1 minions and then keeping those minions
sometimes i wonder why krip doesnt levels up
the main problem in this clip is that krip doesnt know how to play ysera, you need to level up, get som triples and pray to get kalygos , not stay in level one get some shitty level 2 minions and just win 2 or 3 fights
That's the curse of the Hangry Dragon. Every time I'm winning and buy him, I immediately start losing. I don't buy him anymore, no matter how well I'm doing.
This was hardly a "stay on one whelp-sera" build, he stayed maybe 2 extra rounds and only got 5 whelps which he sold 2 rounds later and got carried to 4th place by lucky goldgrubbers with an otherwise awful board.
Ysera POWEROLL build:
Places 4th
terrible plays insane luck holy
Why would you take Lightfangs when you have 2 minion types….I'd rather take a single Direhorn that has potential every fight to present 12/12 stats instead of a 2/2 that gives +4/+2, not to mention that buffs on red whelps likely wont matter
Why does he buy a minion just to sell it and buy another 1, like at 2:39. Is it just becasue he wouldnt have used the 2 mana anyway?
And then there's me who lost 4 favored fights in a row today immediately after buying 2 hungry dragons. Went from the only person with 40 hp on turn 7 to 6th place overall.
Challenge: only blue minions
Where are the murlocs?
this game sucked
Someone make a Kripperino for Kripp saying "beauty" (3:57)
Game of Rerolls
do kripp know swedish? at 12:59 he said Vi Van 😛
kripp would have rage quit against this start game comp
Shouldn't have picked up those Hangry Dragons. They make you lose more.
Lost to ghost KEKW
trying to understand why you sol the 1/1?
The uh oh 17:15 was sooo good lol