1 vs 10 Comeback (El Diablo) - The Last of Us: Remastered Multiplayer (Book Store)

Hello ladies and gentlemen! I’m studying hard at the moment and I’m gonna be very busy the next couple of weeks. I’m still reading all your comments and I’ll try to answer all of them but only if I have enough time in-between my studies. I also won’t be playing as much as I used to do (for the moment at least) but luckily I have plenty of awesome videoes on my computer so I’m still gonna upload a new video every other day.

Now, here’s a comeback I did on Book Store. I hope you enjoy!


Semi-Automatic Rifle
El Diablo

Lone Wolf 2
Exposion Expert 2
Marathon Runner 1


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26 thoughts on “1 vs 10 Comeback (El Diablo) — The Last of Us: Remastered Multiplayer (Book Store)

  1. Good luck with school stuff! I definitely come back for more come-backs once you come back from school work! Can't get enough come-backs! 🙂

  2. I'm had my last exams a couple of weeks ago, but I wish you good luck :D.
    Nice comeback by the way! 😀
    5 dislikes now I'm sorry :'D. You shouldn't have write it under the video ^^

  3. Bruh does anyone ever realize if u hold triangle to pick things up u will grab all at once no one ever does it

  4. Dude you've got such a freaking awesome tactics that could not be imitated by someone else, and a very beautiful dlc map pack i, wish if i had the remastered version :'(

  5. I like how the guy at the end is like "uhh there's a dude here. What am I supposed to do again? Oh, I think I'll just attempt to strafe a little…oh, I'm dead". I mean, what was his plan of attack there?

  6. Did you use this class the whole game or did you pull it out when you knew there would be a comeback?

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