The goal of this Hearthstone Freeze Mage OTK combo deck is to use Aluneth combined with Hakkar the Soulflayer! We do this by equipping Aluneth, playing Augmented Elekk, Drakkari Enchanter, and Violet Illusionist. Then, we shuffle a Corrupted Blood in our deck via Hakkar for the OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
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Ghost Dance by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy
Первый нах
tu já fez um deck parecido como esse, mas o mago é implacável.
Damn thought I would make 1st comment
.ynapmoc eidni llamS
7:02 Golden Tyrone?!
Sadly you can't go face with Aluneth….. Unless…
Skipping even one turn, you could Togwaggle your opponent to death easily and quickly
Man, the intros always makes me laugh 😄 Great video, Mark!
Your thumbnail game on point ngl
3 is Not enough card draw imo
sunglitters when she shuffles 371 Corrupted Bloods into her deck: "my deck is huge and my bloods too"
Why is it infinite? The math hurts my brain
Speedrun the fastest game ever in hearthstone. Good luck… (has to be high rank so that u cant be mean to new ppl xd xd)
woah Marks a fellow FloridaMan?
FL gang rise up
I live in Flordia, but I don't know what you mean by it is doing poorly.
I guess Blizzard never predicted of all the combos available to their game… Good job Mark as always.
I am washed with "then we are going to draw a corrupted blood"
Only a bit loony?
Yes mage? Lol
Luckily for you, he didnt know weaponing hakaar was lethal for him. Epic as always
каво ?
Alright deck intro time
So I think that's pretty much it for the deck intro this time guys, I tried this combo for a number of different ways, with elekk, without elekk, with a completely empty deck, with a near empty deck and the result was pretty much all the same, so best of luck to you and thanks so much for watching.
Ooc: Does anyone know what day it is I think it's 9-8 but I'm not sure still gonna call this 8th
I remember when hakkar first came out. My opponent played evasion and I played violet illsionest. The game lasted 4 hours after that.
Pirate Mage With Greenskin/aluneth combo looks powerfull
Why not put togwagle in the deck after you have only 10+ bloods
I had an opponent do this in warlock a month ago. I happened to be playing infinite armor ice cream shaman which uses the same trick, so i saw what was up and restarted. I friended them after and we spent a while playing combo decks.
i liked the part where he drew that corrupted blood
Für den Algorithmus
I remember you trying out this combo a bunch of different ways in the stream! With elekk, without elekk, with reconnect, without reconnect, truly an experiment 😛
Hey Mark,
thought about a Hunter OTK combo, dont know if you already did something like that.
If not would be interresting if you would try it.
Step 0.5: Have the Hunter Quest "Toxic Reinforcements" on lvl 2, so you have to hero power once to summon 3 Lepra Gnomes
Actual OTK:
Step 1: Play Umbra and Necromechanic
Step 2: Play 2 Lepra Gnomes from hand
Step 3: Hero Power, so you summon the 3 Lepra Gnomes from Toxic Reinforcements
Step 4: Play Feign Deaths untill your enemy is hopefully dead
max dmg output should be at 62dmg, am I right?! 😀
They should make a card with mark on it, but they missed their chance during the boomsday expansion, it should have been markmckz mad scientist!
I am so disappointed that you didn't name the deck "A-LUL-neth"
I liked this video before I watched it.
Another idea for transfer student combo..
Use him to get Twig weapon in non druid class for otk.
I may have been MIA from twitch for a while, but i watch every YouTube video you upload with adblock disabled 🙂 never stop doin what you do mark 👍🏻