BEST DECKS FOR YOU TO CLIMB THIS SEASON!! (May 2020) | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Here are the best decks to climb in the May 2020 season, including my picks for top winrate deck, fastest deck, control deck, OTK deck, sleeper deck, and budget deck.

▪️Top Winrate:

Feature | Hearthstone | BEST DECKS FOR YOU TO CLIMB THIS SEASON!! (May 2020)


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41 thoughts on “BEST DECKS FOR YOU TO CLIMB THIS SEASON!! (May 2020) | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. 8 wins in a row climbing with dragon hunter still a strong choice on ladder 👍

  2. Just wanted to stop by and say that I love your channel. The combination of your personality, content, and depth of your channel is truly extraordinary =)

  3. So they nerf /hall of fame; charge, face damage, draw and heal cards under name of class identity, then gave them all to demon hunter.
    Just when I thought this new team's designs were looking balanced.

  4. im sorry but res priest isnt as simple as place taunt place taunt play spell as you say!! you really need to know how to use the deck!

  5. Been playing with a few different Face Hunter decks and I gotta say, I've had a low winrate out of 20 games with these. Unlike my Face Demon Hunter deck, which climbed up to D3 last season super simple, I don't get how these Face Hunter decks are supposed to climb. They seem to rely a lot more on RNG compared to DH, and not getting the quest right away really, really makes it a poor choice.

  6. I went from bronze to Diamond 7 with Zoolock, having lots of fun and actually destroying DH. I had the most trouble with Gala-Rouges and Hunters though, the rest got crushed.

  7. I was one of the few who sneaked in to legend with Evolve Galakrond Shaman last month. I climbed extremely fast. The list I used ran Mutate instead of Serpentshrine Portal but either card should be considered.

  8. I think Warrior is the winning deck right now — got me to legend last month (for only the second time ever).

  9. Whats the winrate on this Shaman deck? Want to compare it to my current one see which I'd rather invest in

  10. i jumped from mid silver to bottom of platinum with a highlander hunter but i cant seem to get higher ill try the evolve shaman

  11. Nice picks! I'm still playing Quest Druid and having a lot of success with that, especially with Mishifn. My Libram Pally is doing pretty well, too.

  12. Im surprised that gala secret rogue isnt on the list. I got to diamond 7 in less than 2 days with it and with 65% winrate, very strong and fun deck to play although a little expensive (10k) but i would say its worth it

  13. Decent OTK deck is Dekksters hunter Quest/Crush combo deck. Hell'a fun. But it struggles against DH tho. Otherwise they would be real nice

  14. Found spell Druid to be pretty quick to climb with and fun to play! The nerf to Kael’thas did essentially nothing and some games are just done by turn five

  15. ### Egecan's layer
    # Class: Shaman
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Phoenix
    # 1x (1) Sludge Slurper
    # 1x (1) Surging Tempest
    # 1x (2) EVIL Totem
    # 2x (2) Invocation of Frost
    # 1x (3) Lightning Storm
    # 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
    # 2x (3) Marshspawn
    # 1x (3) Plague of Murlocs
    # 2x (3) Serpentshrine Portal
    # 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
    # 1x (4) Hex
    # 1x (4) Vivid Spores
    # 2x (5) Dragon's Pack
    # 2x (5) Hagatha's Scheme
    # 2x (6) Corrupt Elementalist
    # 1x (6) Khartut Defender
    # 2x (7) Earthquake
    # 1x (7) Galakrond, the Tempest
    # 2x (10) Eye of the Storm
    # 1x (10) King Phaoris
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

    Needs refining but it works fine take a look

  16. Ah so aggro only except some preist decks. Seems like standard HS meta. Interactive gameplay…

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