DASHDIN GUIDE AND REVIEW! 100%COOLDOWN (KINDA) Path of Diablo, Diablo 2, Capn Demo


This video is an explanation of how dashdin works and gives a few examples.

This build could be vastly improved, hope it inspires you to give it a try!

Diablo 2, Capn Demo, #Diablo2 , #PathOfDiablo


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10 thoughts on “DASHDIN GUIDE AND REVIEW! 100%COOLDOWN (KINDA) Path of Diablo, Diablo 2, Capn Demo

  1. hey nice vid
    is concentration usefull for pumping magic dmg from dashing strike as it works with hammers? or dashing cant get bonuses from auras and thats why u went with defiance?

  2. I still kind of love it, almost like tele with a nice hard strike at the end. Can understand why it was so popular before, Never saw it in action apart from being on the receiving end of Kortoss' pvp, and as you know that was always short and very sweet.

  3. Hey! Been watching your videos and thank you doing this and showing after cham nerf! Seems its fast and easy map cleaner with just rotating smite — dashing strike and you can keep doing that without pauses whole map run. Couple things come up my mind. 1. Is it "must" to socket all the gear with Mana per kill juwls to keep the Mana full whole map? I do like to play with some MF 140-200 + fast clearing speed. 2. Is there any change to add some Mf to build like ists on those socketed items. Eg. Using 4os tyraels with ists + are the draculs must be gloves in maps? If using change guards instead + swapping one skiller for gheeds? 3. Was wondering why you use defiance aura often? Does he take too much dmg without it? I like it tanky but redemption aura is cool too. Used too much phoenix so hard to learn out of it :/ So its like redemption aura vs mana per kill jewels 😮
    Funny no hr drops when making guide they always drops when ure not focusing on them :'D jaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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