Diablo 1 HD MOD - Belzebub

Mod HD for Diablo 1 — Codename: Belzebub — Official Teaser.
Mod page:: http://mod.diablo1.eu.org/
Release info: http://diablo1.ovh.org/?fn_mode=fullnews&fn_id=163
Follow Facebook page for announcements: https://www.facebook.com/Diablo1ModAwakening


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24 thoughts on “Diablo 1 HD MOD — Belzebub

  1. Anyone got a guide for Diablo Belzebub? — I'm struggling to defeat Diablo on Normal mode… playing as a Warrior, any tips would be appreciated.

  2. After about 6hrs of play the game crashes within minutes of opening. Completely broken. Considering I can't save when I want to that is a major pain in the ass. I can't play higher difficulties at lvl 1 like I can in Hellfire and any time I try to raise the resolution beyond the base I can't reach the lower section of the screen with my mouse. I went and installed the older version which so far is working way better.

  3. Could you please help me? I would like to make a translation of this game and its expansion and I do not know how

  4. Thank you to the creators for letting me replay this masterpiece. Nostalgia overload, and loved the new quests. Highly, highly recommended 😀

  5. Man, this mod kicks so much ass, if anyone has nostalgia for diablo 1, PLEASE TRY THIS MOD

  6. I installed everything correctly and Belzebub wont load.. nothing happens when i launch it

  7. So I just stumbled upon this and it just runs in a very small window, whereas the normal game runs fullscreen (GOG version). Any ideas what I need to do? I've tried setting the shortcut open to maximize, but it doesn't work, nor does alt-enter

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