Менеджер по работе с сообществом Брэнди Кэмел обсуждает текущие новости Diablo 3, а также делится…
30 thoughts on “Diablo 1 — Killing Diablo”
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i am lvl 21 in hell but keep die
Use strategy.
ok thx
n1. gz
When you take damage, you'll lose mana instead of life.
actully beating diablo in diablo 2 is pretty darn easy 😛
Diablo 3 = bad ass
Because you can really say how good a game is when you haven't even played it.
He probably meant Hell as in levels 13-16.
y but i mean that i have enterd diablos laier
you can easily access it through another person's TP, regardless of rank.
actually he beat diablo in 17 seconds :]
@thejotte no u dumbass….. diablo is still the Lord of darkness is still diablo, LOD stands for lord of destruction, which is the new chara in the game, obviously being baal
@PiekielnyJezdziec You need to be level 20 for Nightmare mode, and 30 for Hell…
@uberm0nster1 You probably play Single Player? 😛
@thejotte Diablo has always been the lord of Terror… Mephisto is lord of Hatred and Baal is Lord of Destruction… Then there is 2 other Lords that are mentioned in one of the ancient books you can read in Diablo 1, but I've forgot what they are called xD >.<
i torrented diablo 2 but there was no closed server or open online server. Single player sucks dick with nothing in the way of trading items…
this diablo looks funny when dying, haha
I like the diablo in diablo 2 more, especially its red lightning hadoken, 😛
Diablo: Ahhh! You bitch! You totally fucking killed me! Ahhhhh Aaaaah aaaaah ahhhhhhhhh! *dead*
Prove it.
You took 5 days to respond.
You lost.
i am lvl 21 in hell but keep die
Use strategy.
ok thx
n1. gz
When you take damage, you'll lose mana instead of life.
actully beating diablo in diablo 2 is pretty darn easy 😛
Diablo 3 = bad ass
Because you can really say how good a game is when you haven't even played it.
He probably meant Hell as in levels 13-16.
y but i mean that i have enterd diablos laier
you can easily access it through another person's TP, regardless of rank.
actually he beat diablo in 17 seconds :]
@thejotte no u dumbass….. diablo is still the Lord of darkness is still diablo, LOD stands for lord of destruction, which is the new chara in the game, obviously being baal
@PiekielnyJezdziec You need to be level 20 for Nightmare mode, and 30 for Hell…
@uberm0nster1 You probably play Single Player? 😛
@thejotte Diablo has always been the lord of Terror… Mephisto is lord of Hatred and Baal is Lord of Destruction… Then there is 2 other Lords that are mentioned in one of the ancient books you can read in Diablo 1, but I've forgot what they are called xD >.<
i torrented diablo 2 but there was no closed server or open online server. Single player sucks dick with nothing in the way of trading items…
this diablo looks funny when dying, haha
I like the diablo in diablo 2 more, especially its red lightning hadoken, 😛
Diablo: Ahhh! You bitch! You totally fucking killed me! Ahhhhh Aaaaah aaaaah ahhhhhhhhh! *dead*
fireball fireball fireball fireball fireall fireball fireball fireball fireball fireball fireball fireball
@Velheim1334 it's called mana shield.
Diablo in diablo 2 is more badass but doesnt look like it all…. Visually i mean.. He f'ing on all fours like a dog hlf the time haha
@Nerthing i've played, its FUCKING BAD ASS
I think he said that diablo 3 is a good game.