Diablo 1 Music Hell Theme [Soundtrack part 6/6]

See more at: http://www.diablo1.pl

[ENG]: Music from the game Diablo 1 composed by Matt Uelmen. You can hear this track in the game while you are playing in hell.

Brought to you by Decimius.
[PL]: Ścieżka dźwiękowa z gry Diablo 1, skomponowana przez Matta Uelmena. Utwór ten możesz usłyszeć w grze podczas przemierzania piekła.

Wgrane przez Decimiusa.


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41 thoughts on “Diablo 1 Music Hell Theme [Soundtrack part 6/6]

  1. It is not only the fact that you're growing older, it is also the influence of all the stuff what is going on today. For example: 20 years ago, horror flicks like A Nightmare on Elm Street were considered scary; today we need fucked up shit like Saw to be scared. Same thing with the sexuality: stuff you see today everywhere wasn't even shown late at night some time ago.

    The humanity is kinda becoming dull.

  2. what makes d1 so scary is, knowing that your stuck down in hell, with nothing but your armor, sword&shield, n urself. and its up to you to kill diablo, and save the world.
    ahhh the memories…

  3. stop useing maphack meaby you would see some dark places lol 😛 obiously you played with maphack so that u would see clearly everywhere , it takes off the weather effect and shadows

  4. This game for me is still FTW
    The music, story and gameplay is still awesome
    unlike most of todays scary rpg's

  5. its sad that good things become mainstream then turned to shit. (aka diablo 3)

  6. @metzGRR it was the first one. it wasn't when it was being made. computer games or video games in general weren't popular back then because they would " fry your brain". you must be young.

  7. @shiftan well i believe Diablo story has some truth behind…
    already if we start with ancient Norse, Celtic, Slavic, Sumerian mythology

    i will not tell you more, because i'll probably scare the shit out of you 🙂

  8. i remember I had to prep before going to the butcher because I was so scared haha… I was 9 lol

  9. @netminderxp jews are the biggest liars of the whole human history; The oldest written Hebraic Tanach (& Torah) is Leningradensis Codex (Leningrad Codex), which is available in museum of Saint Petersburg today. By estimation of vigorous analysis It was written in 1100 AD (after execution of Komnin). It was written in Byzantium by Sanhedrin of Isaak Angel and after destruction of Byzantium migrated to Tartaria (Russia).

  10. @MethuPwnzlol this picture you've got came from the bible — it is a "mass hypnosis" as they (jews) put into your mind…
    Suffice it to say that everything what modern teachings say about "angels" and "demons" is a lie. Perverted illusion. The entities of "light" can be more "demonic" than "dark ones".

  11. I love that happy-go-lucky part closer to the end that's mixed in with creepy sounds, giving it an unnerving effect… "why did it suddenly become so much happier?"… and then yet more musical darkness.
    Probably the creepiest music in the game, Tristram and Caves are my favorites for awesomeness, but this is just creepy and great…

  12. The last minute is so creepy. But sooo athmospheric 🙂
    I love this game forever. Great Game!

  13. I'm listening this music everyday. don't laughing))) matt uelman always with me.

  14. @borzo30 the music. It's the music and only the music. When I was a kid, someone gave me a pirated version with all music/voices cut and I was pretty OK with actually going through it.
    The Hellfire-only music was still there though. I'm 5 years old. Cut to "Hive", cut to music, cut to the freaky text at the beginning, cut to my first encounter with "The Shredded". I darted out like a bat out of hell. Even after a massive level-grinding, I was still afraid of that music. I got used to it, though.

  15. this reminds me the eternal raids to hell rescuing back my corpse,
    this music torment me for many nights in a row. this game captured the essence of hell itself on this soundtrack. how come that there are not so satanic and evilier games than this one?

  16. Creepy, that feeling you get then when you realized you were in the company of Lucifer. THE final boss.

  17. never forget these goosebumps when i was scared to open the door to killed butcher or go down to last level the hell and fight with diablo !

  18. As you descended the levels it gradually got darker, scarier, and harder. I actually felt like I was in the thick of evil while playing. I felt like if I stayed too long I could be corrupted and go insane.

  19. Sad that Diablo 2 failed to bring back the horror of Diablo. Diablo 3 probably won't get any closer either, though it seems it will have an "epic" tone and crazy good atmosphere… just not the true horror this game had.

  20. Diablo was supposed to be frightning not "cool" (like D3) and the original Diablo team understood that very well.
    Best game soundtrack ever…

  21. gawd when i entered lvl 16 i heared that song and it was like "…. allright… lets… do that :/…. naaah i think i have to go to town again first. you want to be prepared well…" damn i was so scared of diablo…

  22. As you walk these halls, evil is ethereal and blind.
    Clawing at your soul from behind the shadows out of sight.
    Footsteps, sword swings all lead down.
    Bloodshed, hatred and loss will guide your further.
    Fire will forge your sanity into something else, when lastly one becomes the beasts one first tried to be different from.
    And in the end, but a shattered soul and torn and mangled body standing on a demonic so corruptive that hell itself bends to its will.
    Good bye hero, welcome terror.

  23. i probably shouldnt of read that while listening to that song while on my phone in my bed in picth black@MrYaotubo

  24. diablo was a masterpiece. it was the first pc game i ever played and it had me hooked. it was simply the most challenging and fun game ever.

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