Diablo 1 playing cooperative to complete The Butcher's quest

See more at: http://diablo1.pl

[ENG]: Decimius, Gut, Mefa(ZD), Irgieno[ZD] playing together cooperativ to complete The Butcher’s quest.

Recorded: April 2008
[PL]: Decimius, Gut, Mefa(ZD), Irgieno[ZD] grający razem w celu ukończenia zadania związanego z Butcherem.

Data nagrania: kwiecień 2008


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48 thoughts on “Diablo 1 playing cooperative to complete The Butcher's quest

  1. can any 1 tell me the difference because i see differend kinds like legacy of blood /diablo the black road/moon of the spider, wich is the best 1 to get?

  2. That rogue was so useless during the fight. Way to hamper the other warrior's DPS. 😛

    I still loved seeing the four of you guys just fan out and own everything. Too bad there's no way to turn off friendly projectile fire. xD

  3. What? WC3 is played online..And theres heaps of players too. People still play RoC too, not just TFT.

  4. yap 😛 but i see almost no one play this if u do pm me and i will play i got 3 chars all lvl 30 XD

  5. bad graphics? what the hell? go look at other games in 1996 and tell me again bad graphics!

  6. ill play it with you, ive never played diablo 1 online b4 but im really good at diablo 2 online, anyways my user name is "zxcvbnmjfjf" if that helps, it wont let me play on battle net for some reason :(. and eveything else i click on says unable to detect divise or some bull shit

  7. yea diablo 1 was the best for its time cuz the dungeons where always random except some like chamber of bones and such man in 2000 i was 10 years old i never had the guts to face butcher let stand diablo XD i was like wow butcher scares me how hard will diablo be XD

  8. this game looks SOOOO fun to play with lots of people, to bad my disc randomly broke and i couldnt connect to the battlenet for this game either : oh well…maybe ill get a new copy. XD the diablo disk i had was like 8 years old any way, probably 1 of the 1st 1000 that came out.

  9. Dude i tried to play this in multiplayer in Europe…..but there are no servers….:((…Warrior Ftw!!m/

  10. "dobra kurwa lecimy" — Poland owns! 🙂 old school pc gamerz 4 eva. Cheers to all Diablo 1 fans.

  11. WHere's the logic to say good graphics makes good games? Graphic improves overtime, but most idiots forget the importance of gameplay as the top priority in gaming. I'm very disappointed in the youths these days insisting 'good graphics = good game idea, and insist you can't enjoy a game without it? Those are mostly excuses that they can't win and plain SUCK on the game.

  12. Bonjours, je vient de retrouver mon Diablo 1 (1996) et je n'arrive pas a jouer en multijoueurs.
    «Unable to create charactere» des que je tape un nom (sans espace, ni maj. ni chiffre ni rien du tout quoi…). Esque c'est mon probleme ou esque c'est le serveur qui ne fonctionne plus du a l'age?


  13. Hi, I just found my Diablo 1 (1996) and I can not play multiplayer mode. "Unable to create CHARACTER" just after I type a name (without space or maj. Or numbers or anything … ). is it my problem or is it the server that no longer works because of the age? thank you

  14. Its on your side. In Diablo 1 characters are on your harddrive. In other words there is only "open battlenet". Do you have patch 1.09 installed in your Diablo folder? Do You have a legal version (some of the downloadable files are cut/corrupted) of Diablo? Are You trying to create the character in multi or single player? etc etc not enough data to give You an answer — but yes everything is still working porperly.

  15. well i have the CD of Diablo, its not a copy, but its the only thing i have. I can play single palyer, just not Multiplayer, like i choose my charactere and when i go for a name (wathever it is) it loads and says, unable to crest charactere…

  16. Today I managed to get my copy of Diablo to work on my windows 7 PC, updated the version by downloading the 1.09 Patch. and I connected to Battle.net with no probems. to bad that I didn't see anyone in one of the channels. maybe I'll get my friends to play it with me.

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