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22 thoughts on “Diablo 2 — FULL STORY/LORE PLAYTHROUGH

  1. "Quickly in and quickly out is all the advice I can give you."
    Well, now we know why the quest is called "The Forgotten Tower" and not "The Countess".

  2. Leoric had 2 sons the eldest one was a knight in Leorics army when his younger brother was kidnapped to become diablo vessel when possessing Leoric proved to be to tough for the still weakened diablo the warrior class from diablo1 was Aidan when he killed diablo and retrieved the soulstone he thought he could contain diablo and embedded the soulstone into his forehead thus becoming the dark wanderer.

  3. Listening with an AirPod at work. The constant clicking while walking is crazy annoying. Tip: You can click and hold and the character will continue walking and stop once you release….

  4. Hi Llama great video, thx for that! It would be great to see finishing of diablo 2 vanilla 1.00 with a self found character. I could never manage to do that but watching you doing that with success would be awesome! Would you consider ever?

  5. These stupid Horadrim made all those defense mechanism, but bad guys just slip pass them, while the good guys have work their ass off trying to get through

  6. Things make so much sense now… Almost as if they actually tailored the story to fit the game and vice versa…

  7. You know what amazes me? You really don't know how to … play … the game. Yes, you know some tricks, you can read maps, etc, well done. Those help you in your speedruns, but you can't … play…

  8. "…And so it came to pass that the Countess, who once bathed in the rejuvenating blood of a hundred virgins, was buried alive…"

    Man, D2 had some dark stories…

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