Diablo 2 - HC NECRO SPEEDRUN WR Attempts

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mrllamasc


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25 thoughts on “Diablo 2 — HC NECRO SPEEDRUN WR Attempts

  1. my fav youtuber! keep em coming. PS: I'm in act2 hell on my sorc.. currently looking for a white monarch for spirit

  2. Let's get real and tell it like it is, PlugY is far from great only cool thing is easy respec skills and large stash, drops are below sub par my exp. so far as a new plugy player pathetic getting mf gear.

  3. Hi Llama, enjoying the videos immensely, having them running while I play the game in another window is great.
    Except that I keep looking at my screen for loot drops when they drop in your video 😀

    Have you considered using an Act 3 cold merc on your runs? I find he does a very good job of keeping himself alive, and having him freeze things like the Lister pack at Throne of Destruction is a great help sometimes.

  4. Team YouTube here. I love your YouTube voice and think you are the best content creator for the game on the net. Chat is annoying sometimes and makes me think you could get better times if you didn’t have them, but they also make me laugh out loud often. Thanks for being great. 👍🏼

  5. Omg chat. You gotta be nice when hosting.

    You can pounce when they are lulled into a false sense of security and come visit.

  6. agh that killing duriel remember me killing with my telemancer those ww barbs and smiters , damn so funny (not sure why the death cause by the game default says Tell Ken)

  7. Lmfao. The first two minutes is like the most polite shit post I've ever seen.

  8. Awesome channel with some top notch quality streaming.

    I would really love to figure out how do you get the live on screen stats with the rune objectives and all that… That is awesome…

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