Diablo 2 - Hell Playthrough SUMMON NECRO Part Hell

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mrllamasc


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40 thoughts on “Diablo 2 — Hell Playthrough SUMMON NECRO Part Hell

  1. 👍🏻🔥sposibo/thanks sir for making us happy watching ur D2 content! 👍🏻🏆

  2. Great video, MrLlama! I have one question for you, why didn't you use more often your revives? You relied mainly on your skeletons which as far as i remember are not that strong. Decrepify, corpse explosion and might aura are good combination, but you have to find ways so that your minions can do even more damage. When i played Diablo 2 /which was long time ago/ i used to revive those giant white apes in the snowy caves — Abominable /because they got that nasty stun /or the Moon lords who got the frenzy skill.

  3. Mr Llama have you seen indreks new assassin world record speed run, watch his skills. How is he casting fire blast with melee/melee or melee/Burst of speed selected as skills, been playing a loooooooooooooong time, thats not something I'm familiar with, any thoughts ideas?

  4. What mercenary would you use if you wanted to specialize in mage skeletons? Any other tips?

  5. Hmm, I understand the logic of not going skeleton mastery but your skeletons ended up super weak throughout the playthrough. The fishymancer build is skeleton -> skeleton mastery -> CE and when played that way, your skeletons barely died unless you're fighting a boss. I think that would have made the run a lot easier.

  6. I didn't like the cheating on the Ancients, anyone can beat them that way. It would be much more interesting if you fought them face to face.

  7. I was watching this while playing my Bone spear necro (just got into nightmare) and I dropped a goldwrap off of Treehead feels good man.

  8. Pretty please try an uber-build with this guy. PRETTTTTTYYYYY PLEEEEEAAAAASE XD. Thx for your necro-time

  9. At 35:53 he says he hasn’t found a nice 2 socket white head to make a stealth? What did he really mean because stealth is a body armor runeward isn’t it?

  10. What's your opinion on "Enjoy SP Mod" ?

    I think it makes me bi-annual trip back into this world of demon slaying a bit more pleasant.

  11. I think I've completed hell once in my life maybe 10-15 years ago. And it was with a melee barb LOL.
    I've gone thru 2 different pc's since then so I don't have the character any more. But I did that where my only reference was the book manual.

    Anyway … All that is just an aside. What I really wanted to say is that although I love the concept of the game I never can finish it (because too hard waaaaaaaaa)
    The main reason it's so hard: souls in worldstone chambers or throne room.
    Back when all I had for reference was the book manual I didn't know any better and just tried to force my way thru and eventually got it. But now I just insta-exit the first soul I see. And I ALWAYS get souls. Like it must be 1 in a million chance not to get any of them in any of the last 3 levels. So much rage-quit.

    Edit: and you and everyone else who says "the game's perfect, it doesn't need a remake" …. lol whatever. Lightning (souls) is broken, and double enchant is broken …
    At least the devs got rid of iron maiden for monsters before they stopped development.
    Still an awesome game that I play casually to this day …. but yeah ….
    Sorry for the book-length comment lol.

  12. Woah!! Didnt know we have this is a Summon Necro AND Minesweeper Guided Playthrough!! U keep us surprised everytime Mr.Llama!!

  13. @mrllamasc if you do a zealadin guided playthrough.. Do you think you could do different zealots each difficulty? Like frost, shock, fire? Probably fanat on hell, BUT anyways. …???

  14. Does a merc lvl like a character? Like following that chart that Llama always pulls up to show where the best XP is at based on char lvl?

  15. I love llama to death but you can really see his speed runner impatience with the necro. I just build fishy, put one point in summon res and get decrep for boss from item. I feel like I had a really easy time with necro on my fresh plugy playthrough. Perhaps I had ladder items though, but I remember my skelles/squad taking out the ancients with amp damage, no problem. I might've had insight or obi, but not anything that great. And watching him fight souls. Like build up an army… Use dim vision if there's a pack of em. EZ. Its hard to watch because he's such a pro but then he makes this really hard for himself.

  16. You should also try a mix of skeletons with bonespear for fun now that your necro is done with hell. It's super safe, fun but obviously slower than sorc. Also able the do Uber Tristram + portals solo the fastest IMO (Just need obediance, duress and Gface for your might merc which is super common).

    You really only need around 1k-1.5k spear damage. It's also really easy to get cheap +skills to with 5BS White (+4 mastery too, it's literrally made for this), spirit, Lore and Bone as a super great armor (bone armor when struck makes you super tanky vs melee and +30 res, 2 necro skills).

    You level like a bone necro then switch at about level 80 when you've got enough +skill equipment to get 20 total level of skeleton mastery +skills included, maxed skeletons, maxed spear, 20 total level CE +skills included, Max bone prison, 1 into summon resist, decrepify and revives (dim vision for souls if you want, it's super good CC), rest into bone wall. With only +7 skills, i've got 225 base dmg skelly, 1.5k spear and 490 bone armor absorption and 22 total skill into CE (more than enough). This is the best and safest necro build before switching to poison nova after getting the necessary trang oul pieces (belt, shield and gloves). It's more of a midgame build, but you should clear super quickly up to P3, bosses will fall down quickly with Gface ib nerc, almost never have to use potions due to insight merc, bone armor and easy maxed resist.
    TL:DR, It's much easier to the get first skill due to semi-efficient bone spear and skeletons deal ok damage while being very good tanks, saving you to prison everything without losing much BS damage honestly, but gaining 1k+ boosted melee damage per skeletons. Clear packs faster than summonner, kill bosses faster than BS,, got maximum safety from both bone armor and summons.

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