Diablo 2 Longplay Part 1 of 5

Platform: PC
Game: Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction expansion
Patch: 1.14D
Character: Paladin
Mod: None
Resolution: 800×600 (original)
FPS: 25
Music: Yes
Language: English
Commentary: None

Note: I play the LoD expansion on a separate Longplay. This just goes to Diablo.


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36 thoughts on “Diablo 2 Longplay Part 1 of 5

  1. Back when developers learned and listened to player feedback, hence why this was an amazing sequel. Nostalgia that is still a great game even to this day.

  2. i don't know much about diablo 2 but i am curious is the paladin good with offense and does he have any healing abilities i already know he can tank cause thats obvious but can he do decent offense and heal

  3. i honestly wish they would remake this game at first i thought diablo 3 was better after the reaper of souls expansion but i did my research on the differences between 3 and 2 and 2 seems quite interesting i would like to play this game and if their is gonna be a diablo 4 i hope it takes good inspiration from this game

  4. I was looking for something like this. Not powerplay but long play with original music, standard speed and dialogues. I open this while working; to listen and sometimes watch as a background piece. Thanks for doing this.

  5. Just having a few beers and looking back. This is a great reminder, dialogue and all. There has yet to be a game so dark yet charismatic as this one. Yes this is my opinion but when one simply watches gameplay of this they feel constant uncertainty along with "what's next?". Great game and there will never be another like it.

  6. Why are games so visually nerfed now? What I mean is why are games of this genre so "cartooney"? This game was and is dark and gorey while games now are colorful and unicorney.

  7. amazing game, thinking of buying it, its only £8.99 and its 2018 :o. Just like SC1, CS 1.6, legends never die!

  8. Man I've been looking all over for this. I remember playing this as a kid over at my uncle's house because my parents didn't want their 7 year old playing a game that looked "devil worshiping". I'm 22 now, and watching the cutscenes and listening to the dialogue brings back so many memories. Thank you for uploading the best part of my childhood.

  9. 26 mins in, first 3 points into Sacrifice? I would be very surprised if you still used Sacrifice after you have Zeal and Charge leveled up sufficiently.

  10. …So have I just had good luck with the rouges? Whenever I had them they wouldn't stop attacking or casting for anything. Just shoot shoot shoot cast shoot…

  11. Oh man the gloomy ambience of D2, something D3 failed to reproduce. I still remember staying in the channels with that long bass bgm… sucks you right in.

  12. Seeing that he collects the gems and organizes them properly and according to their color, le me approves! 😂

  13. They shall be tormented forever and ever the lake of fire prepared for the Devil and his angels there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched

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