Diablo 2: Should you use Zaka or Exile on a paladin?

So today we try to settle the debate. If you are in a hurry jump to 13:14 in the video for a round-up of stats and conclusion.

A mistake at 14:00; Both shields has 30% faster block rate 🙂 Should also mention smite dmg difference for pvp (Zaka is more consistent dmg, but Exile is higher). Choosing which shield for PvP for sure depends on your opponent.

5:00 For gloves info — Exile free’s up the gloves slot so what to get?
As Always feel free to comment if you have any questions! Hope you enjoyed my video!

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24 thoughts on “Diablo 2: Should you use Zaka or Exile on a paladin?

  1. I like your videos! However, you probably miss the main point: Zealots mostly use Zakarum instead of Excile only because of life tap. Zealot cannot deal with physical immunity so they forced to use merc with reapers toll. So the life tap over cast the decrepify that makes build much worse! Also the decrepify is much safer than having +20k armor (armour is such a poor stat in game, you always move, so goes to 0) Only only case for excile is ubers.

  2. HoZ with dracs, exile with LoH. This isn't hard. Also how about an honorable mention for phoenix pvp:
    "Thanks to its unusually large amount of enhanced damage if made into a shield, Phoenix is (by a considerable margin) the most damaging shield for Smiters to use, though its high chance of triggering firestorm sometimes caused lag on Battle.net."

  3. My zleaer uses a different setup,but I would suggest trying out infinity on your merc and a non eth HoZ with a ber in it. I like it for DR. I feel like it maxes out you dmg more than exiile. To me exile is if you need to be more defensive. I'll be making a vid about it soon too!

  4. Just by looking at both shield at first glance and not going by any melee build strategy, HOZ just seems more practical overall, across the board… The only really useful stat i see on Exile is Life Tap but you could always just use dracs. The MF is nice…. If i was going with a MF build then maybe Exile…. I donno. HOZ just seems like more dmg, more resist, more life etc… I would love to experiment with it though : ) I like that it gives the option of not using dracs and getting more creative.

  5. Just fyi faster block rate is irrelevant due to holy shield. Always gonna be two frame unless you can get 86+ faster block rate which would make it 1 frame.

  6. I really like that exile frees up your gloves so you dont have to always rely on dracs and allows you to experiment.. really like that, I will say. I think Dracs are overrated… I always use LoH over Dracs with almost any melee PvM build. I dont do any hardcore Uber stuff though.

  7. Why even mention FBR ?? If you have holy shield your FBR is set to 2 frames with even 0 FBR the only way you can make that better is having 86% FBR and that only gives you 1 frame less.

    Also def is so misunderstod only reason you need def is in pvp cuz every time you run your crazy 40k def is set to 0 so i will never pick exile over HoZ.. not that HoZ is overpowered i think in term of pvm, hardcore and what not stormshield or phoenix is better.

    But if the debat is Exile vs HoZ i will pick Hoz every time in pvm and Exile every time in pvp.. easy as that IMO

  8. lol is this closed bnet? for some reason i doubt a pvmer would have those perfect crafted gloves etc lolol

  9. With my normal pally builds either with a hammerdin or a Zealot I always use HOZ as my shield of choice because of the + skilers on HOZ. But If I was doing a smiter doing ubers I would use Exile on top with Laying of Hands because of the high defense of exile. Also Exile has a higher chance to proc life tap even though it is lower level life tap vs Dracs. Since really rich zealots are more than likely using grief then you don't need that much AR because of ignores targets defense and -25 to targets defense which helps with bosses.

  10. Is there any reliable way or online calculator to estimate the actual damage we do with smite? Since this is probably the most notorious example of LCS (next to Grief damage)

  11. HoZ upped for pve smiter
    Spirit st for hdin
    Exile st (yes rather block then def, also st has better avg smite dmg) for zeal or whatever showoff
    But everyone has his own opinion

  12. u dont even have maxblock with exile -.- perfect gear but no maxblock shame on u ;D

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