Diablo 2 Snej Diary of the Dark Wanderer Mod

The amazing features of the Diablo 2 Mod created by Seltsamuel in a short overview.

Check it out online on Bnet Snej Realm!

— High resolution 1024×768 gameplay and optional window mode
— max char lvl 500
— max skill lvl 60
— new Interface
— new Items (Unique/Set/Charms/Runes/Gems/crafts/Cuberecipes and much more)
— Uber — Dungeon
— new and changed maps
— Slots now even in gloves, boots and belts

Official Forum:

+ DOWNLOAD Snej mod:


Click on one of the download sources and have fun! Don’t forget to read the readme after installing the mod.


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24 thoughts on “Diablo 2 Snej Diary of the Dark Wanderer Mod

  1. ummm the new creatures are the same as median everyone stole the uber lvl idea from laz and the skills are the same the only thing worth while is the redoing of the arcane sanctuary

  2. good job, looks like a lot of work!
    whats the track starting at 3:07? ist so freaking nice.

  3. @JoshMan137 That is weird, both links work fine for me. Maybe try to copy & paste them instead of clicking directly (although even that works for me it's worth a try).

  4. alright i downloaded it and played it and im having a ton of fun. but is there anyway i can play the original again?

  5. @cebibatuhan Yes you are able to play online with this mod. Almost all the video footage you see was recorded in online games.

  6. @nightshadowbeimer Im Snej-Forum nach D2SE gucken (V2.2.0 oder höher) und dann Snej oder jeden beliebigen anderen Mod installieren und mit D2SE öffnen/spielen.

    Genaueres steht sicher noch im Snej-Forum, mehr als diese kleine Hilfestellung kann ich dir im Moment nicht geben (spiele selber seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr).

  7. can someone honestly recommend me the best mods for diablo 2? please…
    Btw i dont think i like this one due to many charms i see in inventory. Plus i dont like fast gaming in general. I want slow and logic progress. i dont like crazy stuff and things that doesnt fit to the game. thanks

  8. What is special about this mod compare to other mods? Also, is armor reduction a common affix on armors?

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