Diablo 2: The best Auradin build? Holy Fire Dragon paladin build

Today we take a look at the Holy Fire auradin build. Its both visually pleasing build and quite strong! See below for timestamps and more info.

A good PvP guide for the build: https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=1014054

Different combinations to consider for auradins: https://www.diabloii.net/forums/threads/doom-dream-dragon-hand-of-justice.694285/

Other ways you could build a holy fire auradin: https://www.diabloii.net/forums/threads/matriarch-fire-%E2%80%93-dual-dragon-hand-of-justice-bear-enchantress.964316/

0:40 Auradin general info
1:25 Damage test and gameplay
2:52 Players 8 survival test and gameplay
3:42 Gear time — Gloves and IAS capping info
4:05 Ring choices and leech
5:48 Shield choice — Sacred Targe +45 resist base
7:25 Dragon runeword and hydra proccing
8:38 Helm choices
8:30 Merc info
9:53 Stats — Maxblock/str/vit
10:27 Inventory — Resist capping
11:22 Skils — Plan for at least level 85!
12:54 Final thoughts and gameplay players 8
14:30 Can you build Auradins better? Comment below

As Always feel free to comment if you have any questions! Hope you enjoyed my video!

Comment, like/dislike or subscribe, anything is appreciated!

Playlist D2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL572l_p8CSwyHlw0H7kt2ovX-ZpIcgQUz

Many of the builds I’ve shown on the channel that you can download and try offline:


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21 thoughts on “Diablo 2: The best Auradin build? Holy Fire Dragon paladin build

  1. why not make the "classic" auradin with dual dream dragon armor and hoj? has been used since lod came out and works just fine as well.

  2. Very interesting build. I made a similar build with Holy freeze instead of Holy fire using the Doom Runeword. I have yet to try the Holy Fire version. Damage wise the Fire one might be more effective damage wise thanks to the hydras however the Ice one can slow down enemies and the doom runeword can cast a level 18 volcano on striking.

  3. Hey djuntas, what would you recommend for a werebear assassin? I wanted to make a werebear paladin, but switching through auras doesn't seem that fun imo. Meanwhile sins have a punch of passives that can be cast beforehand. Also, can you dual wield claws with bear on?

  4. Tell you what i used for pvp back in the times.. make hoj in szepter with +3 foh +3convict.. griffon helm instead and pc45life skillers.. you go auradin/foh hybrid.. thats so op!

  5. So lately I've been thinking of a Poison Dagger necro, with all synergies maxed, and having a meelee option over the regular nova clearing, and double dream came to mind. I did no testing whatsoever, so I figured I present my idea to you instead :). I could make double dream into some trophy that boosts poison skills and some random helm. It won't have synergies, but would have lower resist and nova for AOE and maybe Fleshripper to slaughter bosses with Poison Dagger. Probably just trying to be cute, hard to compete with a straight up poison necro.

  6. Wow you´re still active? I still know the ItalianStallion Build on jsp ^^" It was almost 1:1 my build so i remembered that 😀
    I mained PvP Auradin back in the days next to Bowa,Trap and Light Sorc and was pretty sucessful in the EU jsp pvp ladder 😛 (even without smite main)
    Great that the old ppl are still out there

  7. What does Freezes Target +3 mean? How is that different to have the +3?

  8. Getting Zeal beyond level 5 is meh (as well as Sacrifice). The extra damage only affects the physical portion of your damage (each point barely affects your leech output). I’d rather dump those points into Holy Shield.

    Also please move with Charge.

  9. It's weaker because the HOJ suppresses the lower aura. So the level 16 aura cancels out the 14 auras from dragon causing them not to stack to level 28. Dream will stack to 30 because the auras are the same level. If you dropped HOJ from the build you would have a level 28 fire aura dealing similar damage to the Tesladin.

  10. Its still wrong, my auradin could kill stuff with the aura, hoj armor and weapon, dream helm and sheild

  11. I love this build for pvp. Just finished gathering all the gear to remake mine from years ago. Also used the Italian stallion guide. This one plus my smiter are my two favorites

  12. hi, i know its long time ago you did this video, but when you love the Tesladin, maybe try out a Paladin with Zeal/Holy Fire and Fanatic for Resistant guys, THE FUN on this build is you can use Crossbows like Demon Mashine with Explosiv Arrows and pircing how take the complet Damage of the Holy Fire to there Explosiv and Paladin gets an AoE atack.
    Try it out it makes fun.

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