Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Gameplay and Walkthrough - Part 1

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Gameplay and Walkthrough — Part 1

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is the much anticipated expansion to the action RPG Diablo 3. Fight against the very forces of Hell themselves and bring peace back to the land of Sanctuary.

For more information on Diablo 3 and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, please visit the official website at http://www.diablo.com/


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34 thoughts on “Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Gameplay and Walkthrough — Part 1

  1. i have been watching some vids for diablo 3 lately.  i love the lore and story, however i realize that at least 60% of the people that play this game don't really have a clue whats going on.  they are in it just for leveling and stuff.  to every man their own i guess.  great vid man, all the banter was distracting though.

  2. it doesn't seem like it's worth the price blizzards asking for.  the content feels very shallow.  diablo 2 expansion is that of awe and legends and it still holds up today.

  3. have they revealed a ps4 release date? Cant seem to find one? Also — nice vid, skimmed through honestly, but you guys seem entertaining — Ill have to come back when i have more time and give it a listen

  4. gunna be funny when this comes out on the consoles and I have to break down like lv 60 Legendaries, to make room for all the BAD ASS 70's can't wait to see my Wiz doing over million damage crits with more than just 2 or 3 spells.

  5. Can anyone tell me why the nephalem wasn't the one that put the soulstone underground instead of Tyreal?

  6. Thinking about getting this, i used to play WoW. This looks like a strange and darker version of wow. Only for questing i never bothered with pvp. Just got a few random Q's…
    Is this at the very beginning of the game?
    You don't appear to loot anything..? 😛
    Is it worth the money?
    Plz dnt h8 on me I'm just a noob.

  7. I came here and enjoyed the shit out of the video. Reaper of Souls looks fucking awesome, and then I see the comments and all I see are kids saying that D3 is shit. I came here to have a good time but I feel so attacked right now.

  8. Is this a dlc for Diablo 3 or a new game? I saw the commercial and wasn't sure

  9. It don't bother me what people think about this game. I have the diablo 3 on Xbox 360 and soon will get this one so I'll have it on Xbox one. Can't wait until I get it. I like the graphics and how when you stomp the ground the enemy goes flying every which way. That is what I like and that you can destroy tables and such.

  10. the graphics are worse than skyrim, plus no first or 3rd peron modes makes this game even more unimmersive. graphics mean immersion.

  11. I have it as a download. A friend bought it for my birthday. Will someone be so kind as to tell me what the wings give you other than looks? Should I buy the game even though I have the full version? BTW it was a mad fun game. I played so much I hit level 70 in less than a week. Totally addictive game.

  12. Looking for new or old diablo 3 ROS players on PS3 ,if anyone wishes to join me for rift runs or adventure runs ,u can add me on psn- my_retributions .Hv a good day/night 🙂

  13. Hey, is anyone willing to license transfer diablo 3 ros for xbox? I wasnt able to get it this christmas, my xbox GT: is ToothhPick

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