Diablo butcher unused movie

unused butcher movie from diablo 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ImHK43zI0w — second unused movie from Diablo 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYSt3o6cuWw — easy Butcher walkthrough
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISEtsryyJP4 — Leoric’s Tomb


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33 thoughts on “Diablo butcher unused movie

  1. They also implement this speech in Frozen Throne playing as Illidan's Forces when attacking Magtheridon's FOrtress. Immediately reminds you of D1's Butcher.

  2. Actually, this video was supposed to lead to him turning around and looking at you then saying "Ahh! Fresh meat!" so I think if they had decided it wasn't too gory and kept it I would have shat myself even more.

  3. Second part had same atmoshpere. Remember roughe monastery? Canals beneath Lut Gholein? Hell, almost every location bear signs of evil, you are facing in this game.
    Anyway: you're asking why Diablo 3 isn't like that? Easy. Is WoW selling well? Of course it is. Would dark Diablo 1 and 2 atmosphere suit everybody? Not so sure. Would WoW kind of graphics be suitable for many people? That's likely. And that's how we get our adorable wubbly sequel.

  4. if i saw this in the game i would wave shat in my pants, twice! + im TOTALLY not fresh meat……

  5. This boss didn't scare me the first time I saw it. It's weird how I wasn't scared, me being such a pussy.

  6. diablo 2 was so much fun with the synergies and the simplicity and how you can get what skills you want and make a build for ya self with so many rares and uniques and cube recipies and runewards….is d3 anything like this?

  7. o so i will probably like it if i give it a chance and not compare to d2 and just play it for what it is. Well how are the servers now and you can play any time? as in they won't be doing maintence and you can't play for a certain time every day?

    i heard the servers were really slow and buggy and to actually play can take a long time. Is this still true?

  8. what you mean reset modem? You mean you gotta reset it everytime you play? I am confused by this whole thing cause i don't even touch my modem. Half of me wants diablo 3…half of me don't cause i get easily sucked into these online games and i really should be applying to jobs now haha.

  9. I am so lazy and those flashy multiplayer/mmorpgs really suck me in!! I am a grinder. I love to grind/farm and get good items and get a collection!!! I used to play guild wars and was pretty wealthy in that game..i worked hard on it. Then i got hacked I was deprwessed but glad at the same time. I had my 2nd college senior recital i had to work on…and causei got hacked i was able to focus on important things lol.

  10. i havn't played it but i downloaded disgrea 1 2 and 3 for psp. Are they any good? I havn't tried it yet!

  11. Amen to that. They added too much WOW into the games mechanics now its just another one of them. Its a freaking disgrace. It really pisses me off how they just shit all over the Diablo franchise!!!!!!

  12. Yes it is easier but it is cool and you probably don't have the game to say this shits ¬¬

  13. butcher: ahh fresh meat!
    *cuts body in half*
    butcher: i should get paid to do this…
    *opens up a restaurant in hell named "fresh meat cuisine"*

  14. They "cartooned" it too much… it's a game for little children now.

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