Diablo II HD Remake (Mod Gameplay)

Welcome to the Diablo II HD remake and its gameplay. This Diablo 2 HD remake was developed on the SC2 engine by eGods and is free! Enjoy this D2 HD remake gameplay and review.

Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-aLHqSs70s
Official Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/egodbout2/featured


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29 thoughts on “Diablo II HD Remake (Mod Gameplay)

  1. How to get this game? Looks cool and awesome. Link to get this ame please. I wanna try it.

  2. Blizzard just had to make diablo 2 HD(still 2D) remake and people would Play it again. Some games shouldn‘t made into 3D. Look at db3 , its not bad, but for me its not the same cool feeling like in db2

  3. when or if this game comes out i hope it won't cost too much and i hope there will be the cow level like there was in the original version

  4. Imagine if Blizzard had released as many new versions of Diablo 2 as Capcom did with Street Fighter 2. Gosh, that game came out when Hong Kong was still part of the UK and we just got an updated version for the Nintendo Switch. Just think, Diablo 2: Champion edition, Diablo 2: Warlord edition, Diablo 2: The New Heroes, Diablo 2 Ultimate, Diablo 2: Super Turbo Remix….

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