Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Review

Carolyn explains how Reaper of Souls brings great new campaign content to Diablo III while also giving you tantalizing reasons to revisit the places you’ve already been.

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40 thoughts on “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls — Review

  1. What is that… thing? What is that horrible sound? How… how could that be coming from female lips? I don't care if she's a trans gender, nobody should ever sound like THAT!

  2. WTH is gamestop thinking having someone with such an annoying voice do their reviews?  This is my first time seeing a gamespot review in years and will most likely be my last.

  3. Ya need to calm the fuck down dude! What an annoying high pitch voice! Breath a little and take your time! Damn!

  4. People, please shut the fuck up. This person can't change the way they sound so stop bitching about it and yeah, they might be Transgender but that's their choice so please stop judging them because you really have no right to.

  5. its kind of funny when people say he sounds like mandark which he does. but who the fuck has the right to bully a person by saying he sounds like girl? hahaha societies chivalry died long ago. (y).

    to the maker of the vid. nice review

  6. If you type Limmy accent into youtube, that sketch pretty much sums up my feelings about this review.

  7. this dudes voice is annoying af. dude sounds like he hasnt hit puberty yet and has a finger up his butt

  8. lots of people shit talking about some dudes voice… go listen to a recording of yourself talking… and then tell me you don't think you sound like a wierdo lmfao

  9. jeezeeee this review is just terrible you sound like youre in the middle of a sex change

  10. I didn't play the previous versions, but I really like this one. ^_^
    I like how the game has the choice between the 2 men, and the emperor of the second are is a little boy. So the game is not only aimed at boys for ones. ;b
    I really like how you can customize your clothes without changing their stats,
    that you can choose your companion,
    it has lots of difficulties so you don't have to be afraid it's to difficult or easy for you
    and most important: that their's an archer (^o^)/

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