DRUID IS GREAT!! ESPECIALLY Big Druid!! | Zalae Hearthstone

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21 thoughts on “DRUID IS GREAT!! ESPECIALLY Big Druid!! | Zalae Hearthstone

  1. I feel like Zalae is trying to trick his competition into playing this deck with these titles.

  2. Wouldn't you be dead by turn 4 vs Demon Hunter with this deck?

    OH WAIT,
    That's if you play any deck vs Demon Hunter 🙂
    My bad 🙂

  3. Satyr is kinda good because you still have the option to play the card in your hand that you don't want to be discounted during dormant turns

  4. "my right arm is much stronger…"

    Probably because he ja-

    "Because I messed up my left shoulder"

    Oh… Now I feel bad.

    "And all the j@#king off"


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