The goal of this Hearthstone Mill Priest OTK combo deck is to use Northshire Cleric combined with Potion of Madness and Circle of Healing! We do this by playing Cleric, Lorewalker Cho, Wild Pyromancer, Marsh Drake, Potion of Madness, Kooky Chemist, Unseen Saboteur, and double Circle of Healing! Extremely challenging, but fun meme deck! Good luck!
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Brendan Long
Alyssa Guerrero
Bagus Tuladanny
Bernardo Sabbag
Deck Code:
#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy
Is Mark finally getting famous enough that opponents are letting him pull off epic combos???
Mark, awesome combo as always! You are great! But why not the 2 mana 2/2 classic ro flip the Cho over the 4 mana 4/4?
EDIT: Oh wait. I get it. I am just stupid and forgot the pot of madness. But I will.leave this here so people can laugh.
You are the definition of wild
6:50 for everyone Who likes pain in their ears
I enjoy you videos a lot. Could you please for the love of god start uploading in 1080p.
All the best.
Mark: "I am the most unlucky HS player ever"
Also Mark: "This is 9 card 19 mana combo that needs 95 tries to pull off"
Mark please stop saying you are not lucky, you are just always playing with a deficits 🙂
Nice videos, love the addition of the deck intro.
Keep it up 🙂
N I N E T Y F I V E ladies and gentlemen Holy yogg that's insanity
OMG hearing the description holy shit, well done
Pretty sweet combo but too bad it only effective against shaman rogue :/
So, what you re saying is, this is the only deck for climbing? Your opponents???
The new DH card that shuffles your opponents hand into their deck is going to ruin your combos lol
Seeing the new DH card, your combos are going to be impossible to pull off against them…
95 tries! thats dedication!
And this time, we're teaching 1200 cats to dance the Macarena while doing Nicki Minaj impressions
saw it on stream 🙂
You got to make this happen legit
Goes to show all Rogue players are the good guys
Lesson: don't be cocky, shaman rogue.
I think that rogue read your name and wanted to see your combo. No one trades with a giant C'thun like that.
The person missed lethal twice
Nice! Glad you finally got this one off Mark. Was painful but funny to watch on stream, but it's finally over!
Ah it reminds me of the boomsday puzzle final boss check the timestamps in description. i think mark might have even taken longer tha i did to pull off the combo. 95 games!! gj and well done for persistence mark!
Wouldn't crazed alchemist work better since it's cheaper or do you need the extra health?
Finally someone who knows how to properly react when facing a meme lord: let the damn combo happen. It's one interesting game in a sea of the same three decks over and over.
Instead of Kooky Chemist couldn't you use Youthful Brewmaster? 2 Mana 3/2 that returns a minion to your hand. It either saves you two mana or allows you to play Cho back on the field (After potion of madness) if you need a couple extra ticks.
Wow that 1 in 8 for the mill
just wow 😂👍
are we ever going to get 1080p?
So in other words, there was ZERO reason to play this deck AT ALL to ANY CAPACITY.
Congrats…. I guess….
So this is what it's like when Mark gets stream sniped. What a good sport.
Mark, we have a problem. Glide.
Do a fist of Jaraxxus cataclysm otk
Thx u, rogue Shaman.
When next expansion hits you are gonna…glide…over some combos…
What the hell happened in 2:27 with the Oracle's attack and health after Topsy Turvy??
How do you even come up with these OTK decks.. 300IQ
9 cards 19 mana combo. when I heard that I was like Who is this guy? Apparently the guy to end our misery. The true entertainer.
95 tries?? That's a hyperbole, right? If not… that's the most dedication anyone ever put in a combo.
"…. so anyway it is a 9 card 19 mana combo." Love you mark
Didn't get the notificattion hmmmm
The rogue has letal many times
I'm sure that blizzard is releasing Glide to stop Mark in his quest to do the most RNG dependant combos. F in the chat boys
congrats Mark — this deck was a real torture