Funniest Diablo 2 Character

Definitely the most absurd D2 character I made. Every item has % chance to cast something


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15 thoughts on “Funniest Diablo 2 Character

  1. Reminds me of the old D2 Hero Editor and such. People throwing every single spell in the game with one click.

    That looks legit tho, really fun!

  2. In D3 the general forums and /r/diablo would consider this overpowered and Blizzard will for whatever reason listen to their cries and change it

  3. This is pretty much what path of exile looks like most of the time haha

  4. Look up "Cast on crit" from Path of Exile. Basically you crit with 1 skill linked to cast on crit and the crit unleashes the rest of the skills socketed. 

    this makes me wanna give D2 a go

  5. Haha a Zeal Pala with a destruction phase blade and laying of hands gloves very pretty light show.

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