(Hearthstone) Elemental Mage VS Druids

(Descent of Dragons Standard) 2 games: Elemental Mage VS Druid
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Music: Fantasy, Op. 49 by Chopin, performed by Olga Gurevich


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38 thoughts on “(Hearthstone) Elemental Mage VS Druids

  1. Deck Code for second version :

    Coming Down the Mountain


  2. With all the Embiggen Druid going around, I surprised myself in being so happy to see Khadgar + Conj + Mountain Giant. Felt really good to see Kibler turn into the big minion deck.

  3. I like to think the noises he made at the end of the game was him making fun of the haters saying he lost already.

  4. 9:35 I love how chat asks the right questions. Kibler answered just before I googled the card. (Also, credit to the editor, of course.)

  5. Kibler is the master of the midrange deck, an art long since forgotten. A man after my own tastes

  6. Who else is only facing embiggen and quest druids today it’s so boring. Anyone know why there’s such an explosion in popularity

  7. Seems like this deck is running a few too many duplicates for Zephyrs to reliably activate. Maybe it can survive long enough for that to happen with Elemental Allies as a draw engine.

  8. As a life long (read: since Un'goro) Elemental Mage main, I'm glad to see you come back to this archetype.

  9. Is Zephrys active most of the time or just a 3/2 Elemental? I can't see how you deplete your deck fast enough.

  10. Dude. Everyone is saying happy new year on my game, which means only one thing. He uploaded another video that was recorded ten years ago. I'm about to unsubscribe.

  11. that sound effect Kibler was making is LITERALLY this deck personified. Most likely also the sound of every person who plays Kadgar + Conjurers Calling. Should have nerfed into the ground a long time ago

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