Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cinematic

Hearthstone, a free-to-play strategy card game from Blizzard Entertainment. Find out more at http://PlayHearthstone.com Follow us for updates!


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27 thoughts on “Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cinematic

  1. I really dont care about the game, but I would watch a movie if you people extended this animation and added a plot

  2. Hi. ive been sending emails. they are only disregarded and ignored. i want to enjoy hearthstone more

  3. It is said that wars can only be won, upon the anvil of Tunnel Troggs. Others belive victory requires OTK, and a mastery of RNG. War is aggro, game played best to the face. Only armour and raw Booms, can assure total dominance. But of course you could forget all that, and just play Warlock.

  4. 2013 — 2015 was the golden age of hearthstone, miss those days so much!! PepeHands

  5. Illidan has been playing from the shadows for quite some time, good to see hes changed up his strategy

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