Hearthstone Karazhan - Heroico Lobo Mau Deck Barato

Hearthstone Karazhan — Heroico Lobo Mau

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4 thoughts on “Hearthstone Karazhan — Heroico Lobo Mau Deck Barato

  1. Cara o Lobo Mau heróico desistiu contra esse deck (com um Tratador de Carneiros a menos porque não tenho dois), eu nunca vi a máquina fazer isso, na moral uma parada inédita pra mim e vlw a força cara, vlw mesmo.

  2. Bullshit boss : you need much luck => if you don't have the Wobbling Runts cards then you will need tentacles (1 drop) and all the luck possible !
    => Tentacle kills 3 wolves, then your trap deals 2 to everyone, then you need Golem with provoc and after this you will need the Hounds + Hyena combo.

  3. Many thanks for the deck, a pretty impressive tactic. This boss is annoying. I hope I can win this way. =)

    Muito obrigado companheiro!

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