Hearthstone - Nobody Expects the Reliquary Shaman

Fist of ra-den reliquary shaman deck in ashes of outland vs secret rogue

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ES_Extravaganza — Jules Gaia
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com


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42 thoughts on “Hearthstone — Nobody Expects the Reliquary Shaman

  1. This was the first deck that I played when the expansion came out. Lost five games in a row to demon hunter and disenchanted the deck.

  2. All those "well played" from the rogue…..either they knew you were going to win very early on, or they were just being a dick……..yeah they were just being dick weren't they….

  3. good thing is, Reliquary Prime also immune to mage prime that cast random spell targeting minion right?

  4. Why did the rogue's Solarian Prime attack the rogue's own minions with icicle? Shouldn't it target the Shaman's minions?

  5. Why is the deck “reliquary shaman” when the reliquary prime doesn’t really do anything apart from being a good card in the deck, the weapon has more significance in the deck than reliquary prime

    What I mean is, what significance does the reliquary prime have over the other cards

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