stealth aggro rogue deck
decklist found here:
Aggro Stealth Rogue List/Guide with Match Ups
byu/xavaflav inCompetitiveHS
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ES_Bubinga — Giants’ Nest
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
other music:
Blue Danube by Strauss
C Major Prelude
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Can we get a bro hero?
Have you tried putting Candle Breath and Dragons in here as well?
Stealth 100
This video is so sneaky it wasnt even recommended to me
akama has no master , not anymore!
Legend stuff: "Sneaky"
YouTube :"NOPE!"
Sneaky Pete Loves this Video
I'm disappointed because this video isn't named "I crafted Akama so you don't have to"
Nice. Stealth rogue is a lot of fun. Play a similar list for a while now, when I got tired of all the random lackey shenanigans
This is ridiculous, it's clear that Blizzard has no concept of balancing at all. You can just play it without any counters whatsoever. It gets way too much synergy, it's like it lets you draw 3 cards for free. Stealth is way too broken on that card and I can't believe they still haven't changed it. Jungle panther is way too strong.
Easy breazy
1:48 the scorp actually gains stealth for that. Neat.
i feel like i watched this 2 week ago
"Gold 3"
Who remembers incredible stealth value combos?
Secret Passage has entered the chat
Elimize verdiler konulu xd
I enjoy the classical tunes far more than the Electro Swing.
I hope it stays around.
As a spell druid player, I am surprised that this stealth deck was so good against that druid.
But to be fair, I am no friend of the dragon variant (expect ysera) and the lack of claws.
Claw is actually really good right now.